Menofia University

Scholarships in Greece

Menoufia University


The University received a letter from the Supreme Council of Universities on what was sent to the Secretariat of the Council from the Prof, Dr. / First Undersecretary of the Ministry Head of Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector about the announcement of scholarships for non-Greek offered by Alexander Onassis Greek Foundation in different disciplines for  2015 / 2016 for  a post-doctoral research ranging from 3:6 months for university professors and the holders of doctoral degree , in addition to grants for students registered for doctoral degrees ranging from 10: 5 months.

Apply Electronically or send data to the foundation title in Athens, which is:

7Aischinou street, 10558 plaka, Athens

It is worth mentioning that the central administration of  missions do not bear any expenses for grants and that the deadline to apply is January 31, 2015 .

For more information please check the link following e-mail:

http: / Openform


http: / openform






