Menofia University

Designing substitutionary dress for ladies after mastectomy

Department of Media, Menoufia University


In a new scientific research at Menoufia University:

Designing substitutionary dress for ladies after mastectomy

Dr. Rasha Abdel Rahman Al Nahas ,Assistant professor at Clothing and Textile Department, Faculty of Home Economics , Menoufia University , conducted study on designing dress as redemptive part healthy and psychological for Women after breast eradication so as to strengthen the stability of their psychological and health state and  providing the kinetic performance of breast, the study ended after a survey of sample of cases that they suffering from  the feeling that the appearance of the body is not a normal situation in addition to the health problems caused by the fortified corsetry breast from a sense of emptiness and eczema skin in the area of ​​eradication, the study presented at the end of the design of a product appropriate to highlight the breast in its natural form, using cup of fabric-reinforced silicon in the same size of the breast  with a choice of cotton fabric that resist bacteria to prevent skin diseases .

The study recommended the garment industry to pay more interest to  this product and work on  providing such services to the consumer and open a new area of ​​work for companies and factories in the framework of smart designs revolution  and educate the consumer with the modern services provided by the textile, clothing industry and the importance of adapting to changes in it.





