Holding a scientific symposium on Zoom under the title "Anti-virus food and drinks "
In view of the current conditions that the country is going through due to the Coronavirus and the concern of the community service andenvironmental development sector at the College of Science - Menoufia University to provide all services and maintain health and safety for all, it has been decided to hold an educational seminar on the Zoom program , under the title "Anti-virus food and drinks". On Saturday 01/16/2021 at 7 pm. We are honored and pleased with your participation, the faculty members and the assisting body of your esteemed college, and the link is attached to the meeting.
Hassan Eliwa's Zoom Meeting Time: Jan 16, 2021 07:00 PM Cairo Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97807765570?pwd=UWh3TXQxOXZmZEVJTnB1RlhWQjFSQT09 Meeting ID: 978 0776 5570 Passcode: kWpN18