اختر اللغة


Master's Program in Quantitative Economics in Singapore



Master's Program in Quantitative Economics in Singapore



Master's Program in Quantitative Economics 

The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Singapore stated that Nanyang Technological University offers scholarships for the Msc in Applied Economics graduate program organized by the Faculty of Science
Grant data: -

(1) full scholarship, the financial value of 42,000 Singapore dollars (exemption from fees and in addition to A stipend of $ 10,000
(two) scholarships of $ 32,000 ($ 32,000) exemption from tuition fees
(two (2) scholarships of $ 16,000 (covering half of the tuition fees),
note that the scholarship and study period is one year.
Last date for applying for the grant 31 January 2021
For more details, please refer to the website: - You

can apply for the scholarship on the following website: -

Note that the missions do not bear any expenses from this grant





