اختر اللغة


An educational seminar on the Zoom program entitled "Coronavirus and Real Experiences"

Marwa Abdul-mageed


An educational seminar on the Zoom program entitled "Coronavirus and Real Experiences"

Based on the keenness of the community service and environmental development sector at the College of Science - Menoufia University to provide services and awareness programs to serve the internal and external community and maintain their health and safety, and in line with the directions of our wise leadership, it has been decided to hold a series of awareness and educational seminars during the current period. In view of the current conditions imposed by the outbreak of the Corona virus, and the possibility of its continuation, we will start these meetings with a symposium entitled "Corona virus and real experiences" in which His Excellency Dr. Hussein Nada, the President of the Menoufia Medical Syndicate will lecture and participate, and Prof. Dr. Abdel Rahman Al Sebaei, Vice President of the Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University. The seminar will be held on the Zoom program on Friday 1/8/2021 at 7 pm. We are honored and pleased with your participation, the faculty members and the assisting body of your esteemed college, which will enrich the symposium. Link is attached to the encounter.

Hassan Eliwa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 732 7873 4156
Passcode: c28M1c





