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Prof. Yasser Kamal, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, attended a meeting with Prof. / President of the University on behalf of the Dean of the College to discuss and develop a concept for the programs and colleges that will be opened at Menoufia National University



Prof. Yasser Kamal, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, attended a meeting with Prof. / President of the University on behalf of the Dean of the College to discuss and develop a concept for the programs and colleges that will be opened at Menoufia National University



Mubarak holds a meeting to develop a proposal for programs and colleges at Menoufia National University
Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of Menoufia University, held a meeting to discuss and envision the programs and colleges that will be opened at Menoufia National University. Legal measures are being taken to obtain the approval of the President of the Republic and include them within the private universities to provide an excellent educational service to students through non-profit education.
During the meeting, Mubarak discussed several proposals for programs and colleges that will be opened at the university in accordance with international standards, stressing that the proposals be diversified in their specializations and fields, attractive to students, meet their needs and keep pace with the requirements of the labor market.
The meeting was attended by Vice President of the University Dr. Nancy Asaad for Education and Students, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Bagouri for Community Service and Environmental Development, Accountant Akram Abdel Dayem, Secretary General of the University, Deans of the Faculties of Nursing, Computers and Information, Medicine, Commerce and Agriculture, Health Sciences Technology, and Vice-Deans of Faculties of Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Science, and Pharmacy.
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May be an image of 1 person, standing, sitting and indoor





