Menofia University

Providing the drug "Sovaldi " for patients with C virus during week ..

Department of Media


National Liver Institute at Menoufia University :

Provide the drug "Sovaldi " for patients with C virus during week ..

Dr. Tari Abdul Hamid , professor of hepatology and Vice Dean of national liver Institute for Community Service and Environmental Development at Menoufia University stated that clicks allocated  for exchanging the  " Sovaldi drug " hass been finished  for patients with C virus "," at the the institute, and that through training a team of doctors and nurses to deal with cases, and also equip and support medical clinics with all necessary means  .


Tari .. also confirmed that the Institute is still evaluates cases suitable for treatment with "Sovaldi " and "interferon" and "ribavirin" in preparation for receiving   patients next week and exchange it immediately. Pointing out that the evaluation of cases comes  in accordance with the approved protocol with the National Committee for the follow-up of hepatic viral diseases.

 As she pointed out that there are patients will be treated for a period of three months and that by taking  a drug with a triple dose "Sovaldi  - interferon - ribavirin" While there is a cure lasts for six months for some patients by taking  drug "Sovaldi and ribavirin."

She noted that the treatment will be at the expense of the patient or via medical or governmental institution such as  health insurance.





