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Menoufia University is one of the highest universities to accomplish citizens

Menoufia University is one of the highest universities to accomplish citizens' complaints in June 2020

media management


Dr. Adel Mubarak, president of Menoufia University, said the report prepared by the unified government complaints system for June 2020, which is followed up monthly under the prime minister's presidency, showed that Menoufia university is one of the highest universities for its complaints. The report monitors the monthly system's statistics on the number of complaints and requests for relief from citizens, response mechanisms, and the part on receiving and monitoring complaints, and the response of universities to requests for relief and communication with citizens.

The university president praised the efforts of the staff of the University citizens Service Office, which is charged with receiving complaints electronically to facilitate citizens' communication with the University, receiving and monitoring complaints through the system, and coordinating with other government bodies to eliminate the causes of such complaints.