
Announcement of the 15th General Conference entitled "The Future of Higher Education in Africa"

Cultural Relations Department


The General Administration for Cultural Relations announces the Department of Conventions and Conferences according to the letter of the Supreme Council of Universities regarding the invitation of the Secretary General of the Federation of African Universities for affiliates of Egyptian universities to participate with research papers in the fifteenth general conference, which is held every four years to discuss the most prominent issues and developments in society Higher education in Africa The conference will be held this year (hypothetically) from 5-8 July 2021 under the title "The Future of Higher Education in Africa" Note that the abstract of the research paper should not exceed two pages, and it should be sent to the Federation Secretariat before March 31, 2021 And it is sent on the website: - https://event-mgt.aau.org/e/gencon15 For general inquiries, please contact the e-mail: - secgen@aau.org





