Menofia University

Modification of the committee of supervision of the research of student\ HebaSaadSaad

College Council


The faculty board agreed to modify the supervision committee of the research of student\ HebaSaadAbd El ZaherSaad, the registered student for master degree in House Economics, Nutrition and Food Science specialization under the title “The Effect of the mixed and amended diet (Kosheri) on the blood sugar and fats in the second type of diabetics”.

The needed modification is: Adding the name of Professor: NehadRashad El Tahan, the professor of Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of House Economics, Menofia University.

So the Supervision committee will be as follow:


Job and specialization


Professor\ Soraya Muslim Hassan

Professor of food and Nutrition science in the faculty


Professor\ NehadRashad El Tahan

Professor of food and Nutrition science in the faculty


Professor\ AbeerZakaria Mohammed

Professor of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University





