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Mubarak witnesses the quality management system audit meeting and honors the first trainees

media department


Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of the University of Menoufia, witnessed the Management Audit Meeting of the Quality Management System as part of the University's activities and preparations for the ISO 9001 Certificate 2015 in the presence of Vice-Rectors Dr. Ahmed Al-kased for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Nancy Asaad for Education and students and and Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Bagouri for Community and Environmental Development Acc. Akram Abdul Dayem, Secretary-General of the University and Dr. Wafa Zahran, Director of the Quality Assurance Centre.

The Rector stressed the importance of using quality standards not only to obtain ISO certification but also to provide a permanent work system and lifestyle within the University. The directorates called for further improvement and collaboration to fulfil their roles.

The Rector honored the first inner auditors who passed the course with excellence and won first place, Dr. Mona Zenati, Director General of Technical Inspection and Pharmacist.

The meeting presented an overview of the project for the development of the UNU Secretariat Quality Management System, the review of the decisions and recommendations of the previous Management Audit Meeting, information on the performance and effectiveness of the UNU Secretariat Quality Management System, the achievement of quality objectives, the performance of operations, the conformity of products and services, and the results of monitoring, measurement and audits.

Acc. Galal Abdelsalam, Head of the Central Administration of the Office of the Rector, Dr. Rania Azmi, Deputy Director of the Quality Assurance Centre, Ahmed Saleh, Director of the Quality Assurance Development and Performance Evaluation Department, also attended the meeting.