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Mubarak checks the examinations of the Faculties of Education, Early Childhood, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture and Physical Education

media department


Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of the University of Menoufia, Dr. Nancy Asaad, Vice-President of the University for Education and Students, and Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Bagouri, Vice-President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, completed the round of commissions for the first semester of the University's faculties by visiting the faculties of Education ,early childhood, veterinary medicine, agriculture, Physical education, follow-up on the application of preventive and precautionary measures to protect against the new corona virus, the presence of students, professors and observers in time for the commencement of examinations, and ensure that all those present are committed to using the necessary means of protection, the presence of a doctor in every exam room, the allocation of an isolation room in every role to committees, and the allocation of isolation rooms in university cities for suspected cases.

The rector also surveyed the students' views on the distribution of the curriculum and questions to the examination time. Asking students about their compatibility with the elements of the curriculum and their diversity to measure the level of understanding, he drew students to the importance of adhering to distances through colleges, wishing all students the best of luck and taking exams without any problems.