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The Council of the University of Menoufia holds its session in the administrative building of Al-rahb farm.

The Council of the University of Menoufia holds its session in the administrative building of Al-rahb farm.

media department


Today, the Council of the University of Menoufia for the month of February 2021 was convened in the administrative building of the University Farm in the village of the monk under the chairmanship of Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of the University. Members of the Council are represented by the Vice-Presidents of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-kased for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Nancy Asaad, Vice-President of the University for Education and Students, and Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Bagouri, Vice-President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development. Accountant Akram Abdul Daim, Secretary-General of the University, Deans of Colleges, apologized for not attending Council members from abroad Dr. Ahmed Zaki Badr, former Minister of Local Development, and Major General Ibrahim Abu Lemon, Governor of Menoufia.

 Mubarak pointed out that today's meeting of the Council of the League was held on the monk's farm in the context of the application of precautionary and preventive measures and the gathering of open spaces to prevent the spread of corona virus infection. Every effort must be made to maintain a permanent presence in the various units of the University in order to monitor the construction and development of the farm and to use all of its resources to serve the educational, research, extension and production process.

The University appreciates and supports the efforts of the Egyptian State under the auspices of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to implement all national projects in all fields, particularly in the field of higher education and scientific research. The Board also reviewed ongoing events concerning Al-rahb farm and its choice by the prefecture of a social housing area, which the University was surprised at without any prior coordination by the prefect with the University.

The Council stressed the depth of the relationship between the University and the Governorate. The University supports all projects in the Governorate of Al-Manufia, which are always committed to fulfilling its duty and role towards conservation and community, thereby contributing to the well-being of our beloved country.

His Lordship also reviewed the initiative of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to develop the Egyptian village, which was one of the most important initiatives for the Egyptian village and for low-income people. He also referred to the meeting under the leadership of the Central District on this initiative, in which he stressed the readiness and readiness of the University of Manoufi to participate and to provide all support for the initiative for a decent life.

Mubarak also presented the meetings of the Committee for the Study of the Faculties and Programmes of the Private University of Al-Manafiyah and requested the University's Engineering Adviser and the Director General of Engineering Affairs to follow up on the company responsible for the processing of wards at the University's monk farm with a view to the speedy completion of all the work assigned to them to receive the herd from the Toukh Tnbacha farm. The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, in coordination with all the officials of the University Farm, has been tasked with the completion of the evacuation of the site to be handed over to the Armed Forces Engineering Commission to begin their own actions towards the establishment of the Community University.

To discuss a proposal on the programmes to be selected for study at the University's private colleges, the designations of the programmes, the time limits and the order of priority, and to emphasize that they should be at a privileged level in accordance with international standards, be attractive to students, meet their needs and meet the requirements of the labour market.

During the session, the agenda and activities during the month were discussed. Following the meeting, the Rector and members of the Council undertook a tour of the farm.