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The University of Menoufia is finishing in the Ibdaa 9 Competition in the field of ideal students.

The University of Menoufia is finishing in the Ibdaa 9 Competition in the field of ideal students.

Media Management


Under the auspices of Professor Adel Mubarak, President of the University, and Dr. Nancy Asad Yusef, Vice-President of the University for Education and Student Affairs and General Supervision of Dr. Mohamed Gamil Shaheen, Director-General of the General Administration for Youth Welfare.

The university is preparing for the finalist in the ninth-season Ibdaa competition.

Dr. Mustafa Mahmood) for the youth of universities, institutes and academies, both public and private, during the period from 21/3 to 24/3/2021. Mohamed Khatab's speech to the Director of the Department of Social Activity and Excursions confirmed that the university is participating in the competition for the ninth year in a row and has always achieved high status to support the leadership of the university for students.

The university will be represented in the competition by student Mahmoud Ahmed Goda, student at the Faculty of Medicine and student Amira  Hamdi Mohammad Eid, student at the Faculty of Computers and Information .The delegation is accompanied by Osama Dief Supervisor of the University.