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In accordance with the Super Incubator Initiative. Mubarak honors outstanding students from medical, engineering, electronic engineering, science and agriculture colleges

In accordance with the Super Incubator Initiative. Mubarak honors outstanding students from medical, engineering, electronic engineering, science and agriculture colleges

Media Management


This morning, Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of the University of Menoufia, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Bagouri, Vice-President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Dr. Nancy Asad, Vice-President of the University for Education and First Five Students from Medical Schools, Engineering, Electronic, Agriculture and Science among the provisions of the protocol between the University and the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the initiative is financed by the Basic Legal Association in Cairo through the Ministry of Social Solidarity. The initiative is coordinated scientifically by Dr. Hassan Aliwa, Under-Secretary of the Faculty of Science for Community Service and Environmental Development.

Mubarak explained that the role of super-incubators is to help the superior student continue to excel, encourage others to excel through the £1000 per month material incentive offered to the superior student, and provide integrated health care. To encourage serious scientific research subjects that provide real services and value added to science and provide real solutions to the problems of Egyptian society, and to encourage students to volunteer in various fields on condition of continued excellence.

Dr. Hassan Aliwa, Under-Secretary of the Faculty of Science for Community Service and Environmental Development and Science Coordinator of the Initiative, added that the monthly incentive for students lasts for a full academic year and continues if students continue to excel.