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Activating the work of the Department of Foreign students at the National Liver Institute of the University of Menoufia.

Activating the work of the Department of Foreign students at the National Liver Institute of the University of Menoufia.

Media Management


Under -Edres fi Misr- Initiative and in line with the guidance of Dr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to develop the incoming student system and under the auspices of Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of the University of Menoufia, and the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Al-Kased, Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Research. And Dr. Nancy Yusuf Asad, Vice President of Education and Students Affairs. Dr. Salwa Fouad, Director of the University's Department of Arrivals, visited the National Liver Institute to activate the functions of the Institute's Department of Foreign students in the presence of Dr. Hisham Abdul Daim, Dean of the Institute, Dr. Azza Abdulaziz, Under-Secretary for Higher Studies and Research and Dr. Ali Nada Coordinator of the Institute's Department.

During the meeting, the work and tasks of managing arrivals and the care they provide to incoming students were made known in line with the initiative to study in Egypt. 

a gastrointestinal unit, perineal channel binoculars, single sonar diagnosis and therapy, a surgical unit with more than eight operating rooms in the capsule system, a laboratory unit for clinical pathology, biochemistry, microb  and parasites, a molecular cell research unit, a diagnostic and interferometric therapy unit, a hepatic virus therapy unit, a pediatric unit and a bioprospecting unit.