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The Rector of the University of Menoufia follows the course of the examinations in the faculties of computers&  information, Arts, commerce and law.

The Rector of the University of Menoufia follows the course of the examinations in the faculties of computers& information, Arts, commerce and law.

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The President of the University, Dr. Adel Mubarak, is following his study tours to follow the second semester of the University year 2020/2021 at the University's colleges, where he has now inspected the examination rooms. In the faculties of computers&  information, Arts, commerce and law,accompanied by Dr. Nancy Asad, Vice-President of the University for Education and Students, and Dr. Abdurrahman Al-Bajouri, Vice-President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development. The faculty deans received Dr. Arabi  Keshk, computers&  information Dr. Osama  Madani in Arts, Dr. Amgad Emara in Commerce, Dr. Mansour Mohammad in Law.

The presence of a doctor in each exam room, the provision of sterilization gates and thermometers to all entrances, the distribution of students in bleachers at intervals, the obligation to apply the rules and controls of examinations and the emphasis on the application of legal sanctions in case of any abuse, wish all students well.Mubarak is keen to implement the preventive and precautionary measures necessary to protect against the corona virus and to commit all those present to using the means of protection for their own safety, and to ensure that professors and observers are present in time for the examination to begin.