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Mubarak reviews the training programmes offered by the Centre for Strategic Studies and the preparation of leaders

Mubarak reviews the training programmes offered by the Centre for Strategic Studies and the preparation of leaders

Media Management


Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of Menoufia University, will present the activities of the Centre for Strategic Studies and the preparation of leaders during his meeting with members of the Board of Directors of the Centre. During the meeting, the Council was briefed on the decision of the UNU Council to approve the guidance rules for consultancy and research management activities and to present the matrix of training programmes for the Centre.

Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Qawi, General Supervisor of the Centre, presented a proposal for training programmes to prepare university students, qualify them for the labour market and train them on how to market for job opportunities appropriate to their potential, how to manage their time and develop communication skills.

The Rector also approved the proposal of Dr. Hiam Mustafa, Under-Secretary of the Faculty of Specific Education and Superintendent of Performance Evaluation Management, to hold the first scientific conference of the Centre for Strategic Studies, entitled "New Visions of University Education," to exchange new ideas.

The members of the Board of Directors of the Centre attended the meeting as Vice-Presidents of the University: Dr. Nancy Asad for Education and Students, Dr. Abdurrahman Al-Bagouri for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Accountant Akram Abdul Daim Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Ayman Hafez Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Ahmed AbdulQawi, General Supervisor of the Centre, Dr. Hiam Mustafa, Superintendent of the Department of University Performance Development, Dr. Akrami Jamal, Superintendent of the Department of Strategic Studies, Dr. Mohammad Said Farg, Supervisor of the Department of Consulting and Research Ms. Huda Butt, Director-General of the Centre and Secretary of the Council, Mr. Alaa Fathy, Director-General of Community Service and Environmental Development.