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Al-Kased inspects the postgraduate exams at the Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University

Al-Kased inspects the postgraduate exams at the Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University

Media Management


Today, Dr. Ahmed Farag Al-Kased, Vice President of Menoufia University for Graduate Studies and Research, inspected and reassured the progress of the postgraduate exams at the Faculty of Arts, in which doctoral and master's exams are held in various disciplines. He is accompanied by Dr. Osama Madani, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Jundi, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, and members of the faculty and the faculty's supporting staff.

Al-Kased began the tour by passing through the committees, checking their progress, following up on adherence to all precautionary measures and limiting crowding and gatherings within them to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, including distributing students at physical distances, reducing student density to observe social distancing, and making sure that sterilization gates and disinfectant materials are provided to maintain safety. the students

Al-Kased stressed the need for students, faculty and staff to wear. Protective masks and the need to adhere to the rules regulating examination work began the tour by passing through the committees, checking their progress, following up on adherence to all precautionary measures and limiting crowding and gatherings within them to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, including distributing students at physical distances, reducing student density to observe social distancing, and making sure that sterilization gates and disinfectant materials are provided to maintain safety of the students

Al-Qased stressed the need for students, faculty and staff to wear. Protective masks and the need to adhere to the rules regulating examination work.