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Al-Bagouri signs cooperation protocol between The University of Menoufia and the Arab Center for Lifelong Learning and Training

Al-Bagouri signs cooperation protocol between The University of Menoufia and the Arab Center for Lifelong Learning and Training

Media Management


Under the auspices of Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of The University of Menoufia, Dr. AbdulRahman Al-Bagouri, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Ahmed Fouad, Director of the Arab Center for Lifelong Learning, signed a joint cooperation protocol between the Menoufia University Adult Education Center and the Arab Center for Lifelong Learning and Training. Al-Bagouri stressed that the protocol aims primarily to cooperate jointly in providing a range of training programs in the field of life skills, leadership preparation, vocational training and human development in order to enable trainees to have decent jobs in the local and international market.

The signing of the protocol was attended by Dr. Sobhi Sharaf, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Adult Education, University of Menoufia, and Dr. Heba Al-Ghotmy, Director of the University's Adult Education Center.