Government performance in the Master Thesis, University of Menoufia
Portal-Faculty of Art- Menofia
Government performance in the Master Thesis, University of Menoufia
Got researcher Inas Radwan Abdel-Meguid a master's degree in Media from the Faculty of Arts, University of Menoufia Distinction from the study made by the title "The role of the Egyptian press in the formation of young university attitudes towards government performance," The study dealt with the performance of the Egyptian government after the revolution of January and concluded that Young estimating the government's performance is average and that a large proportion of young university gets his information about the government's performance and social networking sites and news sites and that there is a state of dissatisfaction among young people for many of the policies and aspects of the Egyptian government's performance, the study recommended that the press coverage of balanced performance of the government, including the So the negatives and positives, especially the Egyptian governorate level.
Ashraf on the letter, Dr. Abdul Jawad Said Professor and Head of the Information Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Menoufia and participated in the committee discussion by Dr. Mohammed Wahdan professor and head of the Islamic Studies Department at the University of Al-Azhar, Dr. Nadia Judge Assistant Professor of Journalism at the Faculty of Arts, University of Menoufia.