عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
Biochemical and electrophoretic evaluation of cultivated and wild varities of vicia | |
Biochemical studies on the essential oils of coriander and fennel fruits | |
Biochemical studies on some fatty acids in the natural sources | |
Biochemical studies on the influence of foliar application of some micronutrients and ascobic acid on the protein and lipid contents of maize seeds | |
Effect of gamma radiation on alkaloids and their relation with carbohydrate and proteins of hyoscyamus muticus | |
comparative studies on carbohydrates and lipid metabolism in the rats administrated certain synthetic flavourants and colourants food additives | |
hypolipidemic effect of Guava fruit in high fat fed rats and the invitro antioxidiative activities of its extract | |
تقييم زيت بذور الجرجير المصري كمصدر للاحماض الدهنيه الاساسية وتاثيره الخافض لليبيدات فى فئران غذيت بغذاء عالي الدهن | |