عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
Effect of tool Geometry procecss parameters and fiber orientation angrs on hole quality of CGFRP | |
A nalyzing the effect of machining parameters and fiber orientation on the surfacre Roughness during Drilling Compos- | |
Analysis of surface Integrity in Drilling of GFRP Composite when using Two Typer of cutling Tools and Different volune fraction Ration | |
Prediction of the surface roughness for milling of GFRP composites using R.S.M. and ANN | |
Influence of the Process Parameters and fiber Orientation Angles on Hole Quality of (GFRP) | |
Optimization of drilling Parameters for GFRP Composite using Taguchi Technique | |
Assessment of the Surface Roughness and the Delamination in Drilling Hole of Al/SiCp MMCs | |
Experimental Study of the Surface Roughness and the Delamination in the Drilling of GFRP and AL/SiCp composites with Different End Mills | |
Quantifying of Safety Impacts during the Value Engineering Process | |
Surface Roughness and Delamination Analysis in Drilling of GFRP and Al/Sicp Composites with Different End Mill | |
Effects of Tool Geometry, Process Parameters and Fiber Orientation Angles on Hole Quality of (GFRP) | |
Analyzing the effect of Machining Parameters and fiber Orientation on the Surface Roughness during Drilling of (GFRP) Composites | |
Prediction of surface roughness for milling of GFRP composites using R.S.M and ANN | |
Optimization of drilling Parameters for GFRP Composite using Taguchi method | |
Evaluation of the Surface Roughness and the Delamination in Drilling Hole of Al/SiCp MMCs | |
Analysis of Surface Integrity in Drilling of GFRP composite when Using Two Types of cutting Tools and Different Volume fraction Ratios | |
Multi- Objective Optimization of HS-WEDM for hole Cutting in thin-Walled CFRP composites using COCOSO and Genetic Algorithms | |
Corner cutting accuracy for thin- Walled CFRPC parts using HS-WEDM | |