عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
تأثير التداخل بين الاجهاد الحرارى و التركيب الوراثى على بعض الصفات الانتاجية و التناسلية فى السمان اليابانى | |
دراسات وراثية لبعض الصفات الاقتصادية فى الأرانب
صفات حجم الولده و وزن الولده | |
تطبيق بعض الأدلة الانتخابية المحددة فى سلالتين من دجاج النورفا | |
استخدام الأدلة الانتخابية الفرعية لاستنباط أربعة سلالات متخصصة من دجاج النورفا | |
الهندسة الوراثية كاستراتيجية مستقبلية لتحسين كفاءة انتاج الدواجن | |
الاستراتيجيات الحديثة للوراثة الجزئية فى برامج تربية الدواجن | |
تقدير مكونات التباين باستخدام الخلط الدورى لأربع سلالات من دجاج النورفا | |
قدرة التوافق و العائد الوراثى لبعض الصفات الاقتصادية فى دجاج النورفا | |
كفاءة بعض الصفات الاقتصادية فى الأرانب النيوزيلندى الأبيض و الكاليفورنيا | |
دراسة تأثير الخلط لبعض صفات انتاج البيض فى دجاج النورفا | |
تأثير الإستجابة للمناعة للمستضد SRBC والجنس على تركيز الجلوبيولينات المناعية
ووزن الغدد الليمفاوية في الدجاج | |
Relative efficiencies of selection indices for improving some egg production traits in
White Leghorn hens | |
Two-stage selection index in Norfa chickens | |
Expected vs
actual responses to selection in Norfa chickens. | |
Completely and
partial restricted selection indices in Norfa chickens | |
Two-stage selection indices in poultry breeding
programs for laying hens | |
A comparison between the efficiencies of restricted selection indices with different levels of restriction in selection breeding programs for laying hens | |
Effect of breed, laying period and selection for egg weight on egg quality in two local breeds of chickens | |
Direct and correlated responses of egg production performance under selection for egg weight in some local breeds of chickens | |
A comparative study among different breeds of laying hens under two systems of feeding | |
Genetic progress of some economic traits in Norfa chickens divergently selected for body weight | |
Selection index as a tool for the improvement of meat production in Japanese
| |
Genetic progress achieved in some egg production traits by using individual and supplementary family informations in selection indices | |
Application of ten selection
indices for genetic improvement of Norfa chickens | |
Use of supplementary information of residual food consumption in selection programs for laying hens | |
Some performance traits and abdominal fat contents on three Egyptian indigenous laying breeds | |
Selection for heat tolerance in
laying hens
| |
Genetic analysis of some economic traits in Rabbits | |
Analysis of a selection experiment for some economic traits in Rabbits | |
Genetic aspects of some egg production traits in Norfa layers under different methods of selection | |
Genetic progress achieved in residual feed consumption after two generations of selection in Norfa chickens | |
Genetic evaluation of multi-trait selection indices for overall economic improvement in Rabbit breeding programs | |
). Multi-source multi-trait selection
indices for maximizing genetic improvement of laying hens
| |
Genetic effect of single versus multisource selection indices on overall economic gain in quail breeding programs | |
Genetic and phenotypic parameters for some egg production traits in four lines of White Leghorn hens | |
A study of heterosis in some egg production traits in Norfa layers | |
Performance of some economic traits in New Zealand White and Californian rabbits | |
Combining ability and genetic gain of some economic traits in Norfa chickens | |
Estimation of variance component based on diallel crosses of four lines of Norfa chickens | |
Modern strategies of molecular genetics for poultry breeding programs | |
Genetic engineering as a future strategy for improving the
efficiency of poultry production | |
The interaction effect of heat stress and genotype on some productive and reproductive traits in Japanese Quail | |
Genetic studies on some economic traits in Rabbits | |
Application of some restricted selection indices in two lines of Norfa Chickens | |
Using sub-selection indices to develop four specialized lines in Norfa Chickens | |
Evaluation of
some economic traits value using different reduced selection indices in Norfa Layers
| |
Genetic Gains and Heterosis for some egg production traits in Two Lines of Norfa Chickens | |
Genetic and Phenotypic parameters of Antibody Response to SRBCs in Relation to some Egg Production Traits in Chickens | |
Expected vs actual Genetic gain achieved in immune response and some egg production traits using different selection methods in chickens | |
Genetic studies on some economic traits in Rabbits. 2- Post weaning body weight and growth rates | |
genetic improvement for immune response trait and some egg
production traits using Multi-source multi-trait selection indices in chickens | |
Completely restricted selection index as a tool to improve immune response
trait and some economic traits in chickens | |
Expected genetic gains achieved from Applying selection indices using different ways of calculating economic weights in Norfa layers | |
improvement achieved in immune response and some egg production traits using multi-source multi-trait selection indices in laying hens | |
Effect of some environmental factors on some chemical blood traits in two local strains of
| |
Effect of immune response to SRBC antigen and sex on immunoglobulins concentration and lymphoid organs weight in chicken | |
Comparison Between general and completely restricted indices by using different ways of
estimating relative economic values for some egg production traits in Sinai fowls
| |
progress achieved in immune response trait and some productive
traits by using reduced selection Indices in chickens
| |
Effect of some environmental factors on body weight and growth rates at different ages in two local strains of chickens | |
Effect of
photo stimulation on some egg production traits in broiler parents | |
Genetic diversity of chicken
and quail using icrosatelite DNA markers
| |
Effect of heat stress and feed additives on some blood parameters in Norfa laying hens | |
improvement of Body weight at eight weeks of age, Feed Efficiency at (4-8 weeks) and Growth curve in Quail | |
Replacing fish meal protein in Nile tilapia diets: Utilization of cotton seed meal and its effects on growth performance, body composition and some biological and hematological parameters | |
Effect of generation, line, sex and feeding system on some productive traits during growing beriod in Pekin Ducks | |
Meat production efficiency of two lines of Pekin Ducks under two different feeding systems | |
Influence of supplementary copper on the performance of Norfa chickens | |
Direct selection response for feed efficiency of egg production under different feeding regimes in Sinai Fowls | |
Effect of age and sex on some blood haematological and biochemical parameters of African black neck Ostrich in Egypt | |
Effect of Some Environmental Factors On Free Radicals In Two Local Strains Of Chickens | |
Study of
some economic traits in Broiler Parent chickens (COBB 500) during production period under the Egyptian conditions | |
Studies on some productive traits in Norfa chickens | |
Genetic Characterization of a Local Egyptian Chicken Strain Norfa Using Microsatellite Markers | |
Sexual maturity of male chickens according to early response of semen milking | |
Genetic diversity of two Egyptian Local Chicken Strains Using Microsatellite Markers | |
Improving Indegenous
Chickens in Developing Countries outlet of the Norwegian-Egyptian project "NORFA" in Egypt (1980-2016) | |
The Relationship between Immune Response and Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp) under cold and Heat Stresses in NORFA Chickens | |
Genetic engineering as a future strategy for improving the
efficiency of poultry production | |
Modern strategies of molecular genetics for poultry breeding programs | |
). Genetic evaluation of multi-trait selection indices for overall economic improvement in Rabbit breeding programs | |
Genetic progress achieved in residual feed consumption after two generations of selection in Norfa chickens | |
). Genetic progress achieved in some egg production traits by using individual and supplementary family informations in selection indices | |