اختر اللغة

معامل القسم

معامل قسم هندسة وعلوم الحاسبات



معمل التصميم المنطقي: (الفرقة الإعدادي – الترم الأول)


الفصل الدراسي الأول: وصف الجهاز والتجارب التي نُفِّذَت


Digital Logic Trainer (Model: EFT-DT)

A digital electronic trainer consists of Digital Logic Training System (EFT-DTL) and advanced Digital Logic Training System (EFT-DTA).


List of items that come with the trainer:

Base station (EFT-DTB)

Digital logic training modules (EFT-DTL-M1)

Digital logic training modules (EFT-DTL-M2)

Advanced Digital logic training modules (EFT-DTA-M1)

Advanced Digital logic training modules (EFT-DTA-M2)

Advanced Digital logic training modules (EFT-DTL-M3)

Cable jumbers





1.     Fundamentals of AND LOGIC

Objective: Demonstrate the operation of 2- and 3- input AND circuits.


2.     Fundamentals of OR LOGIC

Objective: Demonstrate the operation of 2- and 3- input OR circuits.


3.     Basic AND Logic with ICs

Objective: Construct AND circuits using the 7408 device and demonstrate the operation of a basic 2-input AND circuit.


4.     Basic OR Logic with ICs

Objective: Construct OR circuits using the 7432 device and demonstrate the operation of a basic 2-input OR circuit.


5.     EXCLUSIVE-OR Logic with ICs

Objective: Construct and demonstrate the operation of a simple exclusive-OR gate.


6.     Half Adders and Full Adders

Objective: Explain the construction and demonstrate the operation of a 1-bit half adder and a 2-bit full adder.


7.     Binary-to-Decimal decoder

Objective: Demonstrate the operation of a 74155 2-line-to-4-line decoders.


8.     Practical multiplexer circuit

 Objective: Describe and demonstrate how a MUX can be used as a channel selector and for performing combinational logic functions.


9.     Modulus Counters

Objective: Describe and demonstrate the operation of modulus-8 conter (0:7) for 3-bit counter.




معمل الحاسب الآلي: (الفرقة الإعدادي – الترم الثاني)



  1. 60 Computers.
  2. Processors: Intel core 2 duo, E7500 @ 2.93GHz
  3. RAM: 1.87 GB
  4. O.S: Windows 7 ultimate



    1. C++ Introduction and Hello world program.
    2. Defining variables and using comments.
    3. Writing statements and using simple mathematical expressions.
    4. Increment and Decrement statements.
    5. Relational and logical operators
    6. Using Iterative control statements (Loops: for, while, do..while)
    7. Using Conditional control statements.
    8. Using Conditional control statements (Selection: switch …. Case)
    9. File input/output.



معمل الحاسب الآلي: (الفرقة الأولى – الترم الأول)



1.      60  Computers.

2.      Processors: Intel core 2 duo, E7500 @ 2.93GHz

3.      RAM: 1.87 GB

4.      O.S: Windows 7 ultimate



1.      C++ Basic Statements

2.      Array Data Structure

3.      Struct data Structure

4.      Linked List

5.      Stack data Structure

6.      Queue data Structure

7.      Sorting Algorithms

8.      Searching Algorithms

9.      Binary Search Tree


معامل الرسم بالحاسب: الفرقة الثالثة


Graphics Lab (3rd Year)


Introduction to OpenGL

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)

OpenGL Libraries

OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)

OpenGL Functions


OpenGL Installation

Microsof Visual Studio 2010

Visual C++ express IDE:

GLUT Binaries

Test OpenGL Performance

OpenGL #includes

OpenGL Function Format

Specifying Object Vertices

OpenGL Conventions


Simple OpenGL Programs


glClear() Parameters

glFlush ();

glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

RGB Color Space



Projection Types

Orthogonal projection


glOrtho(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);

glutInit(int *argc, char **argv);

glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int mode);
glutInitWindowPosition (100, 100);

glutInitWindowSize (250, 250);

glutCreateWindow ("hello");



OpenGL Primitives


Lessons and Exercises from the web site:


Books and Tutorials:

Visual C++® 2010

          By Ivor Horton

OpenGL® Programming Guide (Red Book), Seventh Edition (2010)   


The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface

          API Version 3



Microsoft Lab, Windows 7 Operating System



FPGA Laboratory


Objectives of FPGA Laboratory:


The main objective of this laboratory is to make student familiar with how implementing and programming FPGA-based applications using Spartan3E family




ISE 7.1

Model Sim 7.5c


Test Board



FPGA  Architecture







·              It consists of a matrix of CLBs (Configurable Logic Blocks), interconnected by an array of switch matrices

·              Instead of implementing SOP expressions with AND gates followed by OR gates (like in SPLDs), its operation is normally based on a LUT (lookup table)

·              Other additional features are also included in FPGA chips, like SRAM memory, clock multiplication (PLL), PCI interface, etc

·              Some chips also include dedicated blocks, like multipliers, DSPs, and microprocessors



FPGA Laboratory Experiments 


1.         Adders

2.         ALU

3.          Barrel shifters and vector shifters

4.          Comparators

5.          Count ones

6.          Counters

7.          Decoder

8.          Dividers, fixed point

9.          Flip-flops and latches

10.      Encoder

11.     Frequency divider

12.      Leading zeros counter

13.     Multiplexers


Microcontroller Laboratory


Objectives of Microcontroller Laboratory:


The main objective of this laboratory is to make student familiar with how implementing and programming microcontroller-based applications using PIC family (PIC16F877A    &    PIC18F452)









MDA-Win PIC 2 Development Environment Kit

Test board

PIC18F452  IC





Test Board




7- Segment


PIC18F452  IC










Internal Configuration of MDA- WIN PIC 2




Wireless Transmitter




Test Board






Servo motor

Stepper Motor












Graphical LCD

Optical Fiber

Wireless Receiver







































Number of MDA-WIN PIC 2 Kits



Microcontroller laboratory contains 15 kits


Microcontroller Laboratory Experiments 


1.      Driving LEDs (current sinking and current sourcing modes) project

2.      Driving 7-segement

3.      LCD display and Digital voltmeter using A/D converter

4.      Using relays and Timer 0 as a counter

5.      Using Watchdog Timer

6.      Using module CCP1 as PWM signal generator

7.      Using EEPROM memory

8.      Using Keypad

9.      Sleep mode

10. Prioritized interrupts (using timer 0 interrupt )

11. Multiple interrupt sources

12. Multiple Tasks using timers and interrupts



Microprocessor Laboratory


Objectives of Microprocessor Laboratory:


The main objective of this laboratory is to make student familiar with how implementing and programming microprocessor 8086-based applications





MDA-8086 Development Environment Kit















Number of MDA-8086 Kits


Microprocessor laboratory contains 14 kits


Internal Configuration of MDA-8086 Kit














Microprocessor Laboratory Experiments 


1.      Interface 8086 microprocessor with 8255A using LED

2.      Interface 8086 microprocessor with 2855A using 7-segment

3.      Interface 8086 microprocessor with Dot-Matrix LED

4.      Interface 8086 microprocessor with speakers

5.      Interface 8086 microprocessor with 8251A as an application of Serial   Communication

6.      Interface 8086 microprocessor with LCD

7.      Interface 8086 microprocessor keyboard

8.      Interface 8086 microprocessor with D/A converter

9.      Interface 8086 microprocessor with A/D converter

10. Interface 8086 microprocessor with stepper motors




Multimedia (Lab.)


Programme(s) on which the course is given


Department offering the course

Computer Science and Eng.

Academic year / Level

3rd Year / 2nd semester



Credit hours (Practical)

3 Hours

Software used

HTML (Dreamweaver editor)

Pract. devices


Course coordinator

Dr.  Ehab Aziz Khalil



Multimedia (MM) & Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Devices, Virtual Reality Systems, Virtual Reality Applications, and Virtual Reality for education Understanding what is MM,  the relevance and underlying infrastructure of the MM. Understanding the core multimedia technologies and standards (Digital Audio, Graphics ,Video, Video Conferencing (VC), data transmission/compression and VC Standards. Be aware of factors involved in MM. performance, integration and evaluation, and MM on the WWW.

Design a full web site by using HTML Language within any editor such as dreamweaver.



Experiments in the laboratory


Exp. No.



·        Introduction to HTML

·        HTML tags

·        About the editor


·        Paragraph formatting


tag properties

·        font formatting


·        Lists

·        Ordered list

·        Unordered list

·        Definition list

·        Menu lis


·        Images

·        Hot spots

·        tag properties


·        Hyperlinks

·        Anchor types


·        Marquees


·        Tables

·        Insert row and col.

·        Table properties.


·        Frames

·        Frames types


·        Forms

·        Form actions and formatting


·        Multimedia

·        Sounds and videos in the site

·        Animation in pages


·        Project





معامل الفرقة الرابعة:


معمل البرمجيات      


معمل قواعد البيانات: (الفرقة الرابعة – الترم الأول)



1.      ??? Computers.

2.      Processors:

3.      RAM:

4.      O.S: Windows 7 ultimate

5.      Oracle 10 G database

6.      Oracle developer 10 G


Database Lab:

1.      Review of SQL basics

2.      Nested Query


4.      Basic Programming of PL/SQL

5.      Declaration of composite data

6.      Procedure and Function

7.      Triggers

8.      Cursor

9.      Basic Programming of Forms

10.  Basic Programming of Reports






Software Engineering 4th year




Title:  Introduction to Software Engineering

Goal:  introduction to the basic concepts of Software Engineering.


Software crisis.

Definition of the Software.

Definition of Software Engineering.

Software process & Process model.

Software Engineering methods.

CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering).

Software Quality Attributes.

Challenges facing the software engineering.





Title:          Introduction to Software Engineering management.

Goal:  Introduction to the basic concepts of Software Engineering management activities and tools for scheduling and planning.


Overview of Software Management

Special Characteristics of Software Projects Management.

Project Planning and Scheduling.

Project control and monitoring.

The project planning Process





Title:          Using Microsoft Project for planning and scheduling of the project.  

Goal:      Introduction to Microsoft project.


Installing MS Project

What's Microsoft project do?

Introducing the environment of MS project.

Getting Started with Project 2007.

Using different views in MS project.

Practice Using sample projects in MS project.





Title:   Scheduling of the project using MS Project.

Goal:       working with tasks in MS Project to schedule the project.


Adding Tasks

Using the Task Information Dialog Box

Working with Task Durations

Creating a Milestone

Create a Milestone from an Existing Task

Defining Task Acceptance Criteria

Task Relationships and Working with Task Relationships

Using Lag and Lead

Using Task Constraints and Setting Task Deadlines

Using the PERT Chart to Verify Network Completeness

Practice Sequencing Tasks and Creating Task Relationships




Title:   Working with Calendars in MS Project

Goal:        Scaling of the time of the Project.


Working with the Project Calendar.

Modifying an Existing Project Calendar.

Copying an Existing Project Calendar.

Creating a New Project Calendar.

Applying a Calendar to a Task.

Setting Default Calendar Options.

Changing the Working times for the project.

Setting exceptions on the working days.

PRACTICE Working with Calendars.



Title:   Working with resources.

Goal:      knowledge of resources information and types of resources in MS Project.


Adding Resources using resource sheet.

The Resource Information Dialog Box.

Creating Resource Calendars.

Assigning Resources.

Managing Resources.

Adding notes to resources.

Adding resources to tasks.

Practice Working with Resources.




Title:               Practical Workshop and implementing a case study Project.

Goal:        Allowing the student to recommend and prepare a case study project    and to implement it with MS Project.





Title:               Estimating and Budgeting Tasks.

Goal:        Knowledge of the estimations that can b done in MS Project.



Estimating Cost.

Estimating Duration.

Estimating Work and Units.

Creating Cost and Resource Budgets.

Practice Estimating and Budgeting.





Title:               Team Collaboration and Multiple Projects.

Goal:        Understanding the collaboration of the teams in a project.


Sharing Data with Other Programs.

Manage Multiple Resources over Multiple Projects.

Manage Multiple Projects.

Project Customization.



LAB 10

Title:               Execute, Monitor, and Control the Project Plan.

Goal:        Understanding the control & monitoring activities of the project.


Monitoring Project Progress.

Implementing Changes.

Take a Practice Test.



LAB 11


Title:               Closing the Project.

Goal:        create an earned Value report, and work with Project’s Reports and Visual Reports features.



Create visual reports.

· Create an Earned Value report.

· Create custom reports.

· Modify a custom report.

Practice Working with Custom Reports.


LAB 12

Title:               Practical Workshop and implementing a case study Project.

Goal:        Allowing the student to recommend and prepare a case study project and to implement it with MS Project.









معامل قسم هندسة وعلوم الحاسبات


*للقسم معامل لتدريب الطلاب على التمارين العملية وتوجد هذه المعامل بالمبنى الخاص بالقسم وتشمل المعامل التالية:-

  • معمل المعالجات الدقيقة.
  • معمل البرمجيات أ.
  •  معمل البرمجيات ب.
  • معمل  الفرقة الرابعة (سيسكو- (TCP- IP.
  • معمل البوابات المنطقية والطرفيات.
  •  معمل الفرقة الثالثة (الحاكمات الدقيقة).



The Current laboratories in the Computer Science and Engineering department are:

  • Logic Design Laboratory.
  • Software Laboratory.
  • Data base Laboratory.
  • Computer Networks Laboratory.
  • SISCO Laboratory.
  • FPGA Laboratory.
  • Interface Laboratory.
  • Micro-controller Trainer Laboratory.



