اختر اللغة

المقررات الدراسية


                                                                                                                             Adolescent Health

This course is designed for third year nursing students as an introduction to basic concepts related to adolescent health. It  identifies important biological , psychological and social problems related to adolescence, normal puberty, abnormal puberty, normal menstrual cycle, menstruation disorders, eating disorders in adolescents, substance abuse and adolescent pregnancy



                                                Critical Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing

Equip the students with necessary competencies abilities to provide care to woman and newborn with diseases and critical health problems during pregnancy, labor, postpartum period and nursing management of common gynecological problems



English language (level 4)

This course is designed to help students to utilize grammatical rules in written and spoken English and utilize the language skills of English to comprehend materials of other courses about basics of paragraph, transitional phases used in paragraph, structure of paragraph , how to write paragraph and English for nursing



Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing

Equip the student with necessary competencies ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving approach in providing nursing care to the woman during pregnancy, labor, postpartum and newborn. It also includes care of women during menopause as well as common family planning methods



Methods of Teaching in Nursing

Equip the student with necessary competencies abilites for competent class room and clinical teaching, information and principles about the most advanced teaching and evaluation  used in nursing field. It provides the student with an introduction to evidence practice and principles of educational accreditation



Obstetrics and Gynecological Medicine

Equip the student with basic concepts in obstatric and gynecology as: physiological changes that commonly occur during puberty, pregnancy, labor, puerperium, menopause, high risk pregnancy, abnormal labour, postpartum complications, menopausal and gynecological problems 



Population Studies and Family Planning

This course will provide students with the basic knowledge about vital statistics, death statistics, population census, methods of population census, maternal mortality and morbidity rate, maternal mortality ratio, causes of maternal mortality, issues of family planning, male infertility and female infertility. The student will be able to recognize type of statistical methods used and determine hazards of population growth on individual, family and community,  as well as it emphasizes

the concept of infertility problems and it's management



Reproductive Health 

Equip the student with competencies abilities to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving approach in providing comprehensive and detailed information about safe motherhood initiative, priorities for safe motherhood, key components of safe motherhood, WHO pillars of safe motherhood, effective strategies and interventions to achieve safe motherhood, infection control  stages, factors affecting the risk of infection, methods of sterilization, summary of universal precautions, infection control during labor, types of violence against women, risk factors, factors specifically associated with intimate husband violence, health consequences and prevention and response















