اختر اللغة

المقررات الدراسية لقسم تمريض الاطفال



Pediatric Nursing (تمريض الأطفال)

This course will enable students to gain the essential theoretical and practical basis of pediatric nursing with special emphasis of growth and development of children from birth to adolescence. Also it provides basis of nursing care for common children health problems with emphasis of application of nursing process and used E Learning as an additional learning methods




Critical Care and Emergency of Pediatric Nursing(تمريض الحالات الحرجة للأطفال)

This course will provide the students with basic knowledge and skills needed to provide nursing care to critically ill infants and children



Pediatric Nursing Rehabilitation( تمريض الأطفال التأهيلى)

This course will provide the students with knowledge and skills about Rehabilitation of children with special needs and chronic illness. Impact of the health problems of these children on their growth and development will be emphasized. Nursing intervention for each diagnosis as well as  specific information and instructional strategies related to communication, motor and self-care skills will be included .



Psychology of Growth and development( علم نفس النمو)

This course provides the students with the opportunity to understand theories of child's development from birth through adolescent and principles of growth & development. Effects of heredity and environment on child's development.




Pediatric Medicine(طب الأطفال)

This course will provide students with basic theoretical knowledge about pediatric health problems and its diagnosis, complications and management. Special emphasis will be based on growth and development, infant nutrition. As well as early detection and prevention of the major health problems of infants and children



Pediatric Surgery(جراحة الأطفال)

This course will provide students with basic theoretical knowledge about pediatric surgical problems and their causes, diagnosis, complications and surgical management




Forensic Medicine & Toxicology(الطب الشرعي وعلم السموم)

At the end of this course the students will be able to gain medical knowledge about the service of law and justice as well as identify toxicological conditions and the nursing role




