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اختر اللغة
  • تعديل On the steady-state forward and backward whirling motion of asymmetric nonlinear rotor system
    N.A. Saeed,
    European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, Vol. In Press, No. 2019, pp. , Elsevier

  • تعديل On vibration behavior and motion bifurcation of a nonlinear asymmetric rotating shaft
    N.A. Saeed,Ali Kandil
    Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 98, No. 2019, pp. 1191–1218, Springer

  • تعديل On vibration behavior and motion bifurcation of a nonlinear asymmetric rotating shaft
    N.A. Saeed,
    Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 89, No. 9-2019, pp. 1899–1921, Springer

  • تعديل Bifurcation Analysis of a Transversely Cracked Nonlinear Jeffcott Rotor System at Different Resonance Cases
    N.A. Saeed,M.Eissa
    International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 24, No. 2 - 2019, pp. 284302,

  • تعديل Influences of time-delays on the performance of a controller based on the saturation phenomenon
    N.A. Saeed,H.-
    European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, Vol. 66, No. 2017, pp. 125-142, Elsevier

  • تعديل Nonlinear vibration control of a horizontally supported Jeffcott-rotor system
    N.A. Saeed,M.Eissa
    Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 24, No. 24- 2018, pp. 5898–5921, Sage

  • تعديل Bifurcations of periodic motion of a horizontally supported nonlinear Jeffcott rotor system having transversely cracked shaft
    N.A. Saeed,M.Eissa
    International Journal of Non–Linear Mechanics, Vol. 101, No. 2018, pp. 113–130, Elsevier

  • تعديل Utilizing time-delays to quench the nonlinear vibrations of a two-degree-of-freedom system
    N.A. Saeed,W.A. El-Ganini
    Meccanica, Vol. 52, No. 2017, pp. 2969–2990, Springer

  • تعديل Active magnetic bearing-based tuned controller to suppress lateral vibrations of a nonlinear Jeffcott rotor system
    N.A. Saeed,M. Kamel
    Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 90, No. 2017, pp. 457–478, Springer

  • تعديل Time-delayed control to suppress the nonlinear vibrations of a horizontally suspended Jeffcott-rotor system
    N.A. Saeed,W.A. El-Ganini
    Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 44, No. 2017, pp. 523–539, Elsevier