عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
ُEffect of the insecticides profenofos and fentrothoion on the livers inzymes of mal albino rates | |
The protective effect of ascorbic acid against toxicity included by chloropyifos and cypermethrin on acetylcholine esterase, trannaminases and phosphatases activities on rates | |
Effect of biopesticide abamectine on the liver and kidney functions inalbino rats | |
Infelunce of micronutrients and insecticide , actellic acid on biochemical constituents of soybean seeds | |
Biochemical studies on the influence of foliar application of some micronutrients and ascobic acid on the protein and lipid contents of maize seeds | |
Biochemical and physiological changes in some organs of albino rats treated with the biopesticide abamectin | |