عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
use of transesophageal doppler as a sole cordiac output mnitor for reperusion hemodynamic changes during living donor liver transplantation,an observalional studt | |
early neurological complications in liver transplanation recepients | ان عمليات زراعة الكبد فى تقدم مطرد وقد تم دراسة مضاعفات هذه العملية بالنسبة للجهاز العصبى للتغلب عليها فيما بعد |
reduction of red cell transfusionin orthotopic liver transplanlation tranexamic acid versus placebo | تأثير استخدام عقار التراتكساميك على معدل نقل الدم ومشتقاته فى عمليات زراعة الكبد |
Effect of perioperative terlipressin infusion on systemic, hepatic, and renal hemodynamics during living donor liver transplantation | |
Transoesophageal Doppler compared to central venous pressure for perioperative hemodynamic monitoring and fluid guidance in liver resection | |
Acute normovolaemic haemodilution in cirrhotic patients undergoing major liver resection: Role of ROTEM | |
Reduced sevoflurane consumption in cirrhotic compared to non-cirrhotic patients undergoing major hepatic surgery: during entropy monitored general anesthesia | |
Inhaled Desflurane vs. Propofol for Postoperative Sedation Guided with Patient State Index of SEDline in Mechanically Ventilated Liver Transplant Recipient | |
SEDLine Monitored Sedation and Recovery for Postoperative Ventilated Recipients of Living Donor Liver Transplantation: A Randomized Controlled Trial | |
Preoperative Low Dose Recombinant Activated Factor VII Effect during Liver Transplantation | |
donor Hepatectomy for Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Anaesthesia Experience in Egypt.: abstract# P-204 | |
Low Dose Recombinant Activated Factor VII before and during Liver Transplantation | |