Name : Hoda Soliman Mohammed Soliman.
Work Address : Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Shibin El- Kom, Menoufia University, Egypt.
Office (048)2221987
Date of Birth : August 12, 1974.
Place of Birth : Menouf, Menoufia, Egypt.
E-mail : dr.hodas@yahoo.com
Professor of English and Comparative Literature
- Head of Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, December 2018, till the present time.
- Head of the private program , “English Language and Specialized Translation”, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, December 2022 till the present time.
- Co-ordinator of “English Language and Specialized Translation Program”, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sceinces , National Menoufia University, September 2023 till September 2024 .
- Director of “English Language and Specialized Translation Program”, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sceinces , National Menoufia University, September 2023 till September 2024 .
- Professor of English Literature, Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt. From December 2024 till the present time.
- Associate Professor of English Literature, Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt. From October 2017 till December 2024.
- Lecturer in English Literature, Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt. From 2010 to 2017
- Co-ordinator of the Seminar of the Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt.2009-2010
- Assistant Professor in English Literature, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Al- Baha University( K.S.A) .From 2010- 2013
- Co-coordinator of the Cultural Committee, Faculty of Arts, Al- Baha University (K.S.A) (1431-1432 H).
- Head of Committees of Activity, Faculty of Arts, Al- Baha University (K.S.A) (1432-1433 H) (1433-1434).
- A member of Committee of Supervising the library, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, 2014-2015.
- Head of Quality Assurance, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, 2017-2018.
- Head of the Seminar of the Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt.2018- till the present time.
- A member of Committee of Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt.2018- till the present time.
- A member of Committee of Parents of THE EPISCOPAL SCHOOL in Menouf City, Menoufia, from 2014- to the present time.
- B.A. in English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt, May,2001.(Very Good Grade)Pre-luminary in English Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, 2002.
- Master Degree in English Literature, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, 2005. (Excellent Grade). Under The Tittle (A Hermeneutic Study of the Dramatic Dialogue between the Self and the Other in Harold Pinter's Old Times and No Man's Land). Under the supervision of Professor Mohammed Mohammed Enani and Professor Abdel Moneim Habib.
- Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, English Department, Faculty of Arts, Benha University, Egypt.2010. (First Class Honors).Under The Tittle (The Impact of Western Drama upon Yusuf Idris' plays). Under the supervision of Professor Mohammed Mohammed Enani.
- Attended a course in Learning Computer at The Centre of Information and Technology, Menoufia University (The use of Digital Library and Database) Excellent Grade.2009.
- Attended six courses in Faculty and Leadership Development Project, Menoufia University, from Nov. 2007 to Dec.2008.
- Attended a 60 Hours Course in Local TOEFL from 5-4-2009 to 26-4- 2009 at Community Service Sector, Benha University, with 642 score records out of 650.
- Attended three levels of a Computer Course: Windows, Word, and Excel, Benha University, from 10-2-2009 to 28-2-2009.
- Attended a course in Electronic Language Labs, Faculty of Arts, Al- Baha University (K.S.A) (1431 H).
- Attended six courses in Faculty and Leadership Development Project, Menoufia University, From Jan.to March 2017.
- Attended a Symposium and Workshop at Faculty of Education, Menoufia University, Developing English Curriculums , Methods of Teaching English Language and Researches for Specific and Social Purposes, on Tuesday, 11th of April, 2017.
- Participated in the seminar: Developing Curriculums and Methods of teaching English Language and its Research for Private Purposes and Society, held at the Faculty of Education, Menoufia University on Tuesday 11-4-2017.
- Attended An International Conference at Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, on December 2017.
- Attending and participating in the Second International Conference on Foreign Languages "Connecting Cultures: Prospects and Challenges" from 3-5 December 2017, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.
- Honored by the Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, for serious and distinguished contribution to the activities of the Fourth International Conference held on 2-3 March 2022 under the title "Humanities and Transformation Paths".
- Attended a course in Electronic Teaching, Essential Skills Fore Distance Learning from 5/12/2020 to 15/12/2020, Menoufia University.
- A Demonstrator at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University from 2002:2005.
- Assistant Lecturer in English Literature, at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University from 2005 :2010.
- Lecturer in English Literature, at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University from May 2010:2017.
- Assistant Professor of English and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Al-Baha University for years (1431-1432 H) (1432-1433 H)&(1433-1434 H).
- Associate Professor of English Literature, Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt. From October 2017 till the present time.
Taught and still teaching at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt from 2001 to 2010. Courses include: English Drama, English Novel, Poetry, Modern Criticism, Modern Novel, American Drama, and American Fiction.
- Taught and still teaching at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Al-Baha University, K.S.A. from 2010:2013. Courses include: English Drama, Poetry, and Introduction to Literature.
- Taught at Department of English, Faculty of Education, Al-Baha University, K.S.A. Second Semester 2011.Courses include: English Drama, American Drama, English Novel, and American Novel.
- Taught EFL/ESL-Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Leadership, M.A. Students, Level 1, Al-Baha University, K.S.A. 2011, First Semester.
- Taught EFL/ESL-Faculty of Science, Department of Math, and Computers, M.A. Program, Level 1, Al-Baha University, K.S.A. 2012, Second Semester.
- Taught a course in Psycholinguistics -Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of English, M.A. Program in Applied Linguistics, Al-Baha University, K.S.A. 2012, Second Semester.
- Taught an Intensive course in Grammar -Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of English, M.A. Program, Al-Baha University, K.S.A. 2012, Second Semester.
- Taught EFL/ESL-Faculty of Education, Department of Orientation and Counseling, M.A. Students, Level 1, Al-Baha University, K.S.A. 2012, First Semester.
- Taught courses in Introduction to drama, Shakespeare and drama 1, Shakespeare and drama2, and Comparative literature for undergraduates -Faculty of Arts, Department of English Menoufia University, 2014- till the present time.
- Taught courses in Introduction to drama, Shakespeare and drama 1, Shakespeare and drama2 , Introduction to Literary Criticism, Criticism 1, Criticism 2, Criticim3, Writing 4, Modern drama, and Discourse Analysis for undergraduates -Faculty of Education , Menoufia University, 2014- till the present time..
- Taught a course in Bibliography-Faculty of Arts, Department of English, M.A. Program in Linguistics, Menoufia University, 2014-2015.
- Taught courses in Bibliography, English Drama, Literary Theory, and Comparative Literature, American Literature -Faculty of Arts , Department of English , M.A. Program in Literature , Menoufia University, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022.
- Taught courses in Bibliography, English Drama, Literary Theory, and Comparative Literature, Translation, American Literature -Faculty of Arts, Department of English, PhD. Program in Literature, Menoufia University, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022.
- Taught EFL/ESL-Faculty of Agriculture, M.A. and PhD Students, Menoufia University, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2018-2019.
- Taught EFL/ESL-Faculty of Agriculture, Program of Open Learning, Menoufia University, 2015-2016, and 2016-2017.
- Taught EFL/ESL-Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Private Program, Sadat University, , 2017-2018.
- Taught courses in Comparative Literature , Literary Theory , Faculty of Languages and Translation, , Department of English , M.A. Program in Literature , Menoufia University and 6th October University, 2018-2019.
- Supervising teaching EFL/ESL-Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of medicine, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022.
- Member of the Committee Entrusted with Founding the Credit Hours Program, Faculty of Arts, Department of English, Menoufia University.2020… Applied 2021-2022.
• Member of the committee on course specifications, credit hours regulation, English Language Department, applied in the academic year 2021-2022 to first year students at the department (Decision of the English Department Council 3-18-2020).
• Member of the committee reviewing the course description of the credit hours courses of the English language department applied in the academic year 2021-2022 on first-year students in the department. (Decision of the Department Council 18-3-2020) .
-Participating as President of the 3rd International Conference on European Languages and Literature, Department of English Language and Literature, entitled: "Discourse and Literature in the Digital Age" from February 10 to 14, 2020, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. This was under the framework of the first international scientific and cultural forum entitled: "Contemporary Trends of literature and Human Sciences and their Role in Civilizational Existence, Cognitive Integration and Development."
-Participating as the President of the Fourth International Conference of the Department of English, entitled: "Climate Change Discourse: Science Communication and Science Fiction"from 2-3 March 2022, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University within the framework of the fourth international conference of the faculty entitled: "Humanities and Transformation Paths."
- Attending and participating in the Second International Conference "Brave New Humanities: Empowerment through Literature, Translation, and FLT " from 3-4March, 2023, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Pharos University in Alexandria.
-Member of the Committee Entrusted with Founding the Credit Hours Program, Faculty of Education , Menoufia University.2020…Approved and will be applied 2022- 2023.
-Member of the committee preparing credit hours for the English Language Division, Faculty of Education, which is to be applied in the academic year 2022-2023 to first-year students (Decision of the Department Council 18-3-2020).
*Member of the committee preparing credit hours for the Basic English Language Division (Basic Education) Faculty of Education, to be applied in the academic year 2022-2023 to students of the first year (Decision of the Department Council 18-3-2020) .
*Member of the Committee reviewing the course description of the credit hours for the English Language Division, Faculty of Education, to be applied in the academic year 2022-2023 to students of the first year (Decision of the Section Council 18-3-2020) .
*Member of the Committee reviewing the course description of the credit hours for the Basic English Division (Basic Education), Faculty of Education, to be applied in the academic year 2022-2023 to students of the first year, (Decision of the Department Council 18-3-2020).
-Director of the Private Program " English Language and Specialized Translation Program, Faculty of Arts, Department of English, Menoufia University, Approved and will start at the first semester 2022-2023.
-Member of the committee preparing the special program (distinguished) for the Department of English (English Language and Specialized Translation Program), approved and to open for admission for the academic year 2022-2023.
-Member of the committee to review the course description of the special program (distinguished) for the English language department (the English language and specialized translation program), approved and open for admission for the academic year 2022-2023.
• Honored by the Egyptian Translators and Linguists Association and the Arab School of Translation in appreciation of fruitful efforts, excellence and continuous giving (December 2018).
• Honoring the department's outstanding and academically distinguished students in each division of the department, in support to the academically outstanding students. (Decision of the Department Council October 29, 2019).
• First place in the competition: Best Doctor at Menoufia University for 2020 and winning the title of Best Doctor at Menoufia University for the year 2020 through the competition conducted by The Insider Menoufia under the slogan of the Insider Oscars initiative, through electronic voting for male and female students of Menoufia University.
• Member of the Internal Revising Committee of the Quality English Program from 2019 to date.
- Hosting the Quality Unit Center team at Menoufia University to review the file and quality standards in the department to provide technical support in preparation for the department's submission for accreditation on 20-12-2021.
• Honoring the distinguished faculty members and the supporting staff for their outstanding efforts in the department, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Osama Madani, Dean of the Faculty. (1-9-2021).
• Head of the Accreditation and Quality Unit in the English Department of the Faculty. The quality file in the department has been completed. The file has been submitted to the Accreditation and Quality Commission, and awaiting the final visit in October 2022.
- Member of the Committee for Reviewing, Drafting and Translating the Message of the English Language Program - Faculty of Arts - Menoufia University.
- Member of the committee for preparing the translation program - Menoufia National University - under construction, ministerial decision on the program issued 2021-2022.
- Member of the Follow-up Committee of the Educational Process to follow up all internal academic affairs in the English Language Department at the Faculties of Arts and Education from 2019 to date.
- Academic coordinator of the English language program at the Department of English Language, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, 2021.
- Participation in the symposium prepared by the University Center for Career Development of Menoufia University (Info Session - (University Center for Career Development) (through the Zoom program) as a lecturer on the subject of employment requirements in international schools and languages 6/21/2020.
• Hosting the Egyptian Translators and Linguists Association and the Arab School of Translation to hold a symposium for students of the English Department to introduce them to the labor market in translation and to help some students interested in translation to participate in the school for training, December 2018.
• Participation in the celebration activities for the graduation of male and female students of the English Language Department at the Faculties of Arts and Education from 2015 to date.
- Member of the Committee for Accrediting the E-Book of the English Language Department, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University (2021- to date).
- Member of the school's Board of Trustees, Parents and Teachers, from the 2015-2016 school year to date for the current academic year.
- Hosting some of the outstanding students from Hussein Al-Ghorab Private School in Shibin El-Kom, as part of the department’s community participation. An academic and recreational program was implemented for the students during the one-day visit (17-11-2017) accompanied by some English language teachers at the school, and that through the effectiveness of the student-teacher.
- Preparing and organizing a workshop for male and female English language teachers at the Episcopal School of Menouf on 11-15-2018 entitled “How to prepare a classroom capable of critical thinking” in the context of promoting the educational process and informing teachers of the latest teaching techniques and methods of teaching English language.
- Hosting some of the outstanding male and female students at Al-Zahraa Islamic Private School, Shibin El-Kom, as part of the department's community participation. An academic and recreational program was implemented for the students during the one-day visit accompanied by some English language teachers at the school. (26-3-2019).
- Hosting some of the outstanding students at Hussein Al-Ghorab Private School, Shibin El-Kom, as part of the department's community participation. An academic and recreational program was implemented for students during the one-day visit (7-12-2019) accompanied by some English language teachers in the school via student-teacher.
- Participation with a lecture for school students entitled "Self-Motivation and Breaking the Frustration of Studying" on October 21, 2019.( Hussein Al-Ghorab Private School, Shibin El-Kom, Menoufia).
- Honored by Hussein Al-Ghurab Private Schools in Shibin El-Kom- Menoufia Governorate for fruitful cooperation and distinguished interaction with the schools on 9-12-2019.
- Honored by the Future Private Language Schools in Menouf - Menoufia Governorate within the activities of (The Day of Loyalty), held by the School Administration on Sunday, 8-3-2020, in order to honor the great teachers who had, and still have, the greatest impact in teaching, upbringing and building the character of generations.
- A visit to Al-Manara School for People of special needs, which is affiliated with the Episcopal Church, as part of the activities of the school’s Board of Trustees on December 28, 2020.
- Participation in the "Together We Plant a Tree of Hope" project, between the Church and the Egyptian Family Household under the patronage of Archbishop Dr. Sami Fawzy and Sheikh of Al-Azhar Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb (2019-2021).
- Honored by the Izzat Al-Nafs Charitable Society in Menouf, in recognition of efforts and excellence (March 2022).
- Honored by the Egyptian Society for Creativity and Development, Egy Jolly Center, in celebration of the International Day of the English Language (27-4-2022).
- Academic advisor for postgraduate students (Master's and Ph.D.) for the English Language Department, academic year 2015-2016 until the academic year 2017-2018.
- Nominated by the English Language Department to supervise Master's and doctoral theses related to comparative literature topics for joint supervision with the Arabic Language Department at the Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, being specialized in supervising comparative literature topics in the English Language Department at the faculty.
- Member of the Arbitrators Committee to arbitrate research submitted for publication in the Research Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University (since 2020).
- Supervisor of the TOEFL program at Menoufia University, affiliated with the Department of Graduate Studies at the university, from 2019 to date.
- Member of the Committee for Examination and Review of Research Plans Submitted for Registration for Master's and Ph.D. (Literary Studies) Department of English Language - Faculty of Arts - Menoufia University.
- Coordinator of the English Language Department - for the joint protocol between Menoufia University and October 6 University - Faculty of Languages and Translation - Graduate Studies Program (Masters - PhD) (academic year 2019-2020).
- Secondment to teach at the Faculty of Languages and Translation - October 6 University in the joint graduate program (Master’s) according to the protocol between Menoufia University and October 6 University (academic year 2019-2020).
- Member of the Examiners Committee to accept postgraduate students (Master's and Ph.D.) for the Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, from 2015 to date.
- Comparative Literature
- The history of English Drama
- History of Arab and Egypt
- Modern Criticism
- Orientalism
- Theatre and Performance
- Egyptian folkloric traditional dramatic form
- American Literature
- History of English Literature
- Introduction to Criticism
Published Research Papers:
1-On Translating a Shakespearean Soliloquy into Arabic
Ain Shams University, Fakr Wa Ebdaa, 2016.
2-Mahfuz Abdelrahman’s Adaptation of An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley: An Exercise in Transposition
Herms, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, 2016.
3-Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor in an Egyptian Adaptation: A Study in Cultural Appropriation
(Ells), Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, 2016.
4-On Drama Translation:Katerina Reiss's Text Types revisited with Reference to Shakespearean Translation into Arabic
College of Girls, Ain Shams University. 2017.
5-Tom Stoppard's 'If You're Glad I'll be Frank'As an existential play: A Heideggerian Approach
Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, 2017.
6- A Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump's Rhetoric Following George Floyed's Killing, May 25, 2020.
Journal of Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, April, 2021.
7- The Personal and the Political: An Analysis of Selected Extracts from David Hare's "Beat the Devil: A Covid Monologue"
Journal of Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, October , 2021.
8- Searching for the Ideal: Variety of Representations in Selected Extracts from Tom Stoppard's Trilogy "The Coast of Utopia".
College of Girls, Ain Shams University, Volume 23, May, 2022.
9- An Appraisal of Dominance in Osborne's "Look Back in Anger".
Center For Developing English Language Teaching, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Education, Volume 78, April, 2022.
10- Urgency and Warning in Duncan Macmillan's and Chris Rapley's play 2071: An Eco-critical Reading.
Center For Developing English Language Teaching, Ain Shams university, Faculty of Education,Volume2, July, 2022.
11- Power and Identity in J.T.Roger's Oslo
Journal of Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, April, 2022.
12- "That Is No Country for Old Men": Shifting of Literary Borders by "Merit"-Based Egyptian Fiction Writers
Journal of Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, July, 2023.
13-“The Genie Must Remain in the Bottle”: Locating the Tradition of “True” Womanhood in Colonial and Early National American Fiction
Journal of Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University,Vol.73, August, 2023.
14- A "Dissociation of Sensibility": The Gaelic Dilemma in the Poetry of Hugh MacDiarmid and Sorley MacLean
Beni-Suef University, International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences , Vol. 5, Issue 1 (2023).
15- Remembering Displacement: A Geocritical Reading of Ezzedine Fishere's Embrace on Brooklyn Bridge and Miral Al-Tahawy's Brooklyn Heights.
تذكر النزوح: قراءة جيونقدية لروايتي عناق عند جسر بروكلين لعزالدين فيشير وبروكلين هايتس لميرال الطحاوي
Journal of Faculty of Arts, Minufiya University, October 2024.
16- The role of metaphor in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict a cognitive linguistic approach
دور الإستعارة في الصراع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني مدخل لغوي معرفي
Ahmad Abdel Tawwab Sharaf Eldin, Wafya Hamouda, Walid Reda Ali & Hoda Soliman Mohammed
Cogent Arts and Humanities, Publisher : Cogent OA, Current Publisher : TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS, E-ISSN:2331-1983
To cite this article: Ahmad Abdel Tawwab Sharaf Eldin, Wafya Hamouda, Walid Reda Ali & Hoda Soliman Mohamed (2024) The role of metaphor in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict a cognitive linguistic approach, Cogent Arts & Humanities, 11:1, 2394283, DOI: 10.1080/23311983.2024.2394283
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/23311983.2024.2394283
1-M.A. thesis:
Translating Collocations from Arabic into English in Selected Novels by Naguib Mahfouz: A Semantic Analysis. 2016 -2019
Submitted by Nabila El-Sayed Harhash, to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.
Code- Switching between Arabic and English in Selected Egyptian Talk Shows: A Sociolinguistic Study. 2016-2019
Submitted by Menna Allah Fathi Abdelfatah Aboelnabial.
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.
A Pragmatic Study of Humor in Satirical Comic TV Show:
Saturday Night Live: A Contrastive Approach.
M.A. Thesis by Eslam Mohammed Abou El Soud, A demonstrator at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.
4- M.A. thesis:
Analysis of Political Discourse in Tom Stoppard's Trilogy "The Coast of Utopia": A Sociolinguistic Approach. 2016-2019
Submitted by Randa Samir El-Sayed Hassan.
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.
5-M.A. thesis:
Racism in Selected plays by Lorraine Hansberry, August Wilson, and Bruce Norris. A Post Cultural / Post Racial Approach. 2017-2019
Submitted by Lara Hany Edward Farid
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.
6-M.A. thesis:
Gender Differences in Southern American Drama as Reflected in selected plays by Lillian Hellman and Beth Henley. A socio-Feminist Approach. 2017
Submitted by Basem Mohammed Sweed
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.
7-M.A. thesis:
Adaptation and Cultural Appropriation in Western and Egyptian Drama: A Comparative Study,2018.
Submitted by Alyaa Abdel Mohsen Kennawi
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.
8- M.A. Thesis:
Planned Behavior and Disaster Preparedness along with Trauma,Theory in Climate Fiction
Submitted by Safa Kamal Sayed A demonstrator at Department of English,Facultyof Languages and Translation, October 6 University.
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.Jan. 2021.
9- M.A. Thesis:
Epidemiology as a Psychological Impulse and Sociological Paradigm on Selected Pandemic Novel
Submitted by Marwa Kamal Sayed A demonstrator at Department of English, Languages and Translations, October 6 University.
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.Jan. 2021.
10- M.A. Thesis:
Identity Crises in Colm Toibin's Brooklyn and Miral Al- Tahawy's Brooklyn Heights: A Geocritical Study
Submitted by Mustafa Abdelnaby Allam
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. Jan. 2021.
Imaginary Visions of Post-apocalyptic world's in Cormac Mccarthy's The Road (2006), Daniel Wilson"s (2011) and Hugh Howey's Wool (2011): Eco- Critical Study.
Submitted by Mohammed Ali El-Gohary
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. Jan. 2021.
Absurdity and Neo-Existentialism in Selected Plays by Fugard, Mahesh Dattani, Yasser Qubailat, and Karim El Sharkawy: A Comparative Study
Submitted by Rabab Said Gad, Assistant Lecturer at Department of English, Faculty of Arts , Menoufia University.
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. April, 2021.
14- PhD.Thesis:
Trauma and Class Conflict of the Dark Web Fiction in Selected Novels by Arab and American Fiction Writers : A Comparative Study.
Submitted byAmal Hassanein Sarhan , Assistant Lecturer at Department of English, Faculty of Arts , Menoufia University.
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. November , 2022.
15- M.A.Thesis:
American Legalized Racism as portrayed in Selected “Hyphenated” American Plays: A Critical Race Approach.
Submitted, Dina Magdy Ezz El-Dein, A demonatrator at Department of English, Faculty of Arts , Menoufia University.
Submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. March, 2023.
CO-Supervision with Department of Arabic, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia Menoufia:
1- M.A.Thesis:
رواية الأجيال بين التصحيحات للكاتب الأمريكي جوناثان فرانزن والثلاثية للاديب المصرى نجيب محفوظ
The Generational Characteristics of the Novel in Jonaathan Franzen's The Corrections and Naguib Mahfouz's The Trilogy: A Comparative Study.
Submitted by Sara Mohamed Saeed Hagag.
Submitted to Department of Arabic, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. June, 2021.
2- M.A.Thesis:
روايتا (عزازيل) ليوسف زيدان و( هايبيشا) لكنجسلى (دراسة مقارنة)
Youssef Ziedan's Azasil and Kingsley' Hypatia: A Comparative Study.
Submitted by Esmat Abdel-Azeem Gab-Allah.
Submitted to Department of Arabic, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.November , 2021.
Viva membership:
1-Adaptation and Appropriation: Post-Colonial Returnings of Hamlet in Femi Osofisan's The chattering and the Song (1977), Akbar Radi's Hamlet with Season Salad (1988) and Sulayman Al Bassam's The Al Hamlet Summit (2006)
M.A.Thesis by Rabab Said Sayed Ahmed Gad, A demonstrator at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University.July, 2017.
2- Race and Gender in Selected Plays by Adrienne Kennedy and Sonia Sancheiz : A Study in the Development of Black Feminism
M.A. thesis by Doaa Mohammed El-Lehleh, A demonstrator at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. November, 2018.
3- The Poetics of Confession in Selected Poems by Anne Sexton: A Gynocritical Study
M.A. thesis by Sara Osama Madany, A demonstrator at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. August, 2019.
4- The Poetics-cum-Politics of Gilles Deleuze's Literary Theory Through a Reading of Selected Arabic and English Plays.
PhD. Thesis by Mohammed Yousry El-Beltagy , Assistant Lecturer at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Tanta University. The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. September, 2019.
5- Dramatic Syncretism as a Strategy for Interpreting Indigenous and Aboriginal Drama: A Comparative Study on the Paradoxes of Authenticity and the representations of Indigeneity.
PhD. Thesis by Dalia Farouk El-Shanawany, Assistant Lecturer at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, 3th August, 2022.
6- Social Criticism in James Baldwin’s Go and Tell it on the Mountain and Richard Wtight’s Native Son : A perspective on Style and Themes.
PhD. Thesis by Rana Hamed Abdel wahed Awadin . The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University, Nevember, 2022.
7- Wars on Iraq in David Abram’s Fobbit and Joe Haldeman’s The Forever War : A Comparative , Stylistic, Literary Study
الحروب على العراق فى رواية ديفيد ابرامز " فوبيت" وجو هالديمان " الحرب الأبدية" دراسة اسلوبية ادبية مقارنة
M.A. Thesis by Ahmed Hamza Kazem Haidary . The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University, May, 2023.
8- “We” and “ The Other” in Tom Paine’s The Pearl of Kuwait, A Novel of Gulf War: A Perspective on Literary and Linguistic Discourse.
"نحن" و " الاخر " فى رواية توم باين "لؤلؤة الكويت" رواية عن حرب الخليج: منظور على السياق الاددبى واللغوى
PhD. Thesis by Fares Hammad Ayyed Awad . The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University, June, 2023.
9- The Concept of Violence in Adrienne Kennedy’s The Owl Answers, Suzan Lori Parks’ In the Blood, and Toni Morrison’s Dreaming Emmett
مفهوم العنف فى مسرحيات ادريان كينيدى البومة تجاوب وسوزان لورى باركس فى الدم وتونى موريسون حلم ايميت
M.A.Thesis by Ola Abdel- GHany Mohammed Shaker. The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Suez University, August , 2023.
10- The American Connection: A Transational Influence on Modern and Contemporary Irish Poetry
الحلقة الأمريكية: التأثير العابر للحدود على الشعر الألندى الحديث والمعاصر
PhD. thesis by Sara Osama Madany, Assistant Lecturer in Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. The Viva was held at Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. November , 2023.
11- Spatiality and the Cartographic Perspective in Ezzedine Fisher’s Embrace on Brooklyn Bridge, Randa Jarra’s A Map of Home, Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss and Son’allah Ibrahim ‘s Americanly: A Comparative Study.
الفضاء الروائى والمنظور الكارتوجرافى فى رواية عناق عند جسر بروكلين لعز الدين فشير ورواية خارطة الطريق المنزل لرندا ارث الخسارة لكيران ديساى ورواية أمريكانى لصنع الله ابراهيم: دراسة مقارنة
PhD. thesis by Hamada Anwer Elsegeny, Language instructor at Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University. The Viva was held at Hotel of Menoufia University.September, 2024.
*Winning, on December 2019, the Prize of Menoufia University as one of the distinguished Personalities who exerted great efforts and contributions for achieving the mission of the university, under the name of The Prize of Professor Mostafa Bahgat Abdel El-Metaal.
Reference People to contact
Prof. El-Sayed Ahmed Osman
Associate Professor of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University
Mobile: 00201012304787