عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
Chemical properties of reservoirs, oil and gas of Kashagan field, Southern part of Pre-Caspian depression, Kazakhstan | |
Aqaba-Levant transform-related faults in the Gulf of Suez rift: The Durba–Araba fault, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt | |
Kinematics of Plio-Pleistocene Oblique faults in the Gulf of Suez Rift, West Central Sinai, Egypt | |
Kinematics of the oblique faults in the east central Gulf of Suez Rift, Wadi Araba, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt | |
Evaluation of the Physical- Chemical Properties of Oil and Gas Composition in the Kumkol Oil Field, Kazakhstan | |
Evaluation of salt-section and interpretation of wells in the Kashagan field, Southern part of Pre-Caspian depression, Kazakhstan | |
Numerical study of the mechanism of formation of sodium chloride domes in geological structures depending on the geometrical sizes of area | |
Tectonics movement of salt dome (oil trap) and driving force that affecting salt flow | |
Salt dome structural interpretation in Caspian depression | |
Description of salt dome geological structure of the Kashagan field, southern part of Pre-Caspian depression | |