عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
miocene karst system at sheikh abdallah, between bahariya and farafea, western western desert, egypt: implications for paleoclimate and geomorphology. geologica acta 7, 475-487. | |
calcite- cemented concretions in shallow marine and fluvial sandstones of the birket qarun formation (late eocene), el-fayium depression, egypt: field, petrographic and geochemical studied: implications for formation conditions . sedimentar | |
cenomanian rocks in the sinai peninsula, northeast egypt: facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy. j. african earth scienxes 52, 125-138 | |
paleosols of the upper cretaceous- lower tertiary maghra el-bahari formation in the northeastern portion of the eastern desert, egypt: their recognition and geological significance. sedimentary geology 183, 243- 259. | |
the cambrian araba formation in northeastern egypt: facies and depositional environments. j. asian earth sciences, 27, ,873-884. | |
indications for a humid climate in the westsrn desert of eypt 11-10 myr ago: evidence from galagidae( primates, mammalia). c.r.palevol 5 , 935-943. | |
sequence stratigraphy of the lower cretaceous bahariya formation, bahariya oasis, western desert, egypt. sedimentary geology 190, 121-137. | |
dolomitization of the cenomanian- turonian carbonate rocks along the western side of the gulg of suez, egypt: an implication to sea-level oscillation. bull. fac. sci. alex. univ. eygpt 43, 221-246. | |
petrography, geochemistry and primary origin of spheroidal dolomite the maghra el-bahari formation at gabal ataqa, gulg of suez, egypt. sedimentary geology 151,211-224. | |
allogenic and authigenic claya of the lower paleozic sandstone of the naqus formation at gabal gunna, central sinal, egypt : their recognition and geologcal significance. j. african earth sci. 32, 47-60. | |
The Lower Paleozoic rock units in Egypt:An overview | |
Late Miocene Karts System at Sheikh Abdallah,Between Bahariya and Farafra ,Western Desert,Egypt :Implications for Palaeoclimate and Geomorphology | |
Pseudospherulitic fibrous calcite from the Quaternary Shallow lacustrine carbonates of the Farafra Oasis , Western Desert , Egypt : A primary precipitate with possible baqterial influence | |
The uppermost deposits of the stratigraphic succession of the farafra Depression (Western Desert , Egypt) : Evolution to a post _ Eocene continental event. | |
Diagenetic origin of ironstone crusts in the Lower Cenomanian Bahariya Formation ,Bahariya Depression,Western Desert,Egypt | |