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اختر اللغة
  • تعديل A Self-tuning generalized pole-placement autopilot
    S. El-khafif,F. Essawy, I. Shousha, N. El-Rabaie
    19th Int. congress for statistics, computer, science, social and demographic research, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. , No. , pp. , 1994

  • تعديل Special section: Medical signal processing-Novel decision strategy for P-wave detection utilising nonlinearly synthesised ECG components and their enhanced pseudospectral
    S El-Khafif,M Sabry-Rizk, W Zgallai, C Morgan, ER Carson, KTV Grattan
    IEE Proceedings-Science Measurement and Technology, Vol. , No. , pp. , 2002

  • تعديل Application of higher-order statistics and subspace-based techniques to the analysis and diagnosis of electrocardiogram signals.
    SH El-Khafif,
    City University, Vol. , No. , pp. , 2002

  • تعديل Highly accurate higher order statistics based neural network classifier of specific abnormality in electrocardiogram signals
    S El-Khafif,M Sabry-Rizk, W Zgallai, E Carson, K Grattan, P Thompson
    Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Proceedings, IEEE , Vol. , No. , pp. , 1999

  • تعديل Suspicious polyphase patterns of normal looking ECGs provide fast early diagnoses of a coronary artery disease
    S El-Khafif,M Sabry-Rizk, E Carson, W Zgallai, K Grattan, C Morgan
    Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Vol. , No. , pp. , 1999

  • تعديل Assessment of pharmacy information system performance in three hospitals in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
    SH El-Khafif,AE Mahalli, W Yamani
    Perspectives in health information management , Vol. , No. , pp. , 2016

  • تعديل
    , Vol. , No. , pp. ,

  • تعديل Novel decision strategy for P-wave detection utilising nonlinearly synthesised ECG components and their enhanced pseudospectral resonances
    S El-Khafif,M Sabry-Rizk, ER Carson, W Zgallai, C Morgan, KTV Grattan
    IEE Proceedings-Science, Measurement and Technology, Vol. , No. , pp. , 2000

  • تعديل Automated diagnosis of heart sounds using rule-based classification tree
    SH El-Khafif,ME Karar, MA El-Brawany
    Journal of medical systems, Vol. , No. , pp. , 2017

  • تعديل Higher-order ambulatory electrocardiogram identification and motion artifact suppression with adaptive second-and third-order Volterra filters
    S El-Khafif,M Sabry-Rizk, W Zgallai, E Carson, KTV Grattan
    Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations , Vol. , No. , pp. , 1998