عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
Macronutrient composition and increased physical activity modulate plasma adipokines and appetite hormones during a weight loss intervention | |
Consumption of either one egg or lutein-enriched egg per day increases HDL cholesterol, reduces apolipoprotein B while increasing plasma carotenoids and macular pigment density in adult subjects | |
Macronutrient composition of breakfast influences plasma glucose, satiety hormones and caloric intake in the next 24 h in adult men. | |
Regular eggs and lutein-enriched eggs increased macular pigment density without changing plasma lipids | |
Consumption of One Egg Per Day Decreases Serum Adhesions Molecules And C-reactive Protein Concentrations After a 12 Wk Intervention In Older Adults | |
Relationships Between Serum Lutein And Zeaxanthin, Dermal Carotenoids Score, Serum Lipids, Serum Lipoprotein Subfractions, And Macular Pigment Density: Cross-sectional Study Design | |
A Twelve Weeks Egg Intervention Increases Serum Lutein And Improves Macular Pigment Optical Density In Older Adults | |
Consumption of one egg per day reduces the expression of HMG-CoA reductase in peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) to maintain LDL cholesterol concentrations | |
Consumption of one lutein-enriched egg per day decreases C reactive protein, plasma insulin levels and improves insulin sensitivity in men and women | |
Graduate Student Research Forum 2011 Student Presentation Abstracts March 26, 2011 Department of Nutritional Sciences | |
Consumption of One Egg or Egg-enriched Lutein Per Day Increases Macular Pigment Density, Decreases LDL oxidation, And Improves Insulin Sensitivity. | |
Resolution of metabolic syndrome parameters in subjects following a Mediterranean-style, low glycemic load diet in conjunction with a soy protein, plant sterol-(SPS) supplement | |
Macronutrient composition modulates plasma adiponectine and appetite hormones during a weight loss intervention | |