عنوان البحث | ملخص البحث |
Risk Reduction Intervention for Un-Healthy Life-Style Behavior among Adult Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus التدخل للحد من مخاطر نمط الحياه والسلوك الغير صحى بين النساء البالغات المصابات بداءالسكري من النوع الثانى |
Ebola Preparedness and Nurses' Awareness Regarding Caring for Patients with Suspected Ebola Virus Disease.
الاستعداد للايبولا ووعى الممرضات المتعلقة برعاية المرضى المشتبه بهم لحملهم فيروس مرض
الايبولا | |
Capacity Building for Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice
Regarding Prevention of Diabetic Foot Complications
بناء القدرات لمعلومات وممارسات الممرضات فيما يتعلق "الوقاية من مضاعفات
القدم السكرية | |
Relationship between Level of Self-Efficacy and
Self-Management; Hemodialysis versus Oncology Related Fatigue
العلاقة بين مستوى فاعلية الذات والعناية الذاتية لدى مرضى الغسيل الكلوي ومرضى الأورام المصاحبين للتعب | |
Risk Factors and Preventive Measures Awareness among Nursing Students Regarding Osteoporosis
نشر الوعي بعوامل الخطورة والوسائل الوقائية بين طالبات التمريض فيما يتعلق بهشاشة العظام | |
Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Blood Pressure Measurement on Practice Competency among 2nd Year Nursing Students
تأثير فعالية قياس ضغط الدم بطريقه المحاكاة على المها رات والممارسات بين طالبات التمريض الفرقة الثانية | |
Safety Measures Applied by Nurses for Surgical Patients Postoperatively and Its Relation to Patients Outcomes
تطبيق إجراءات السلامة من قبل الممرضات وعلاقتها بحالة المرضى بعد العمليات الجراحية | |
Effect of Nutritional Educational Intervention on Improving Dietary Habits among Recovering Colorectal Cancer patients
تاثير تدخل التثقيف التعليمى عن التغذيه على تحسين العادات الغذائية بين مرضى سرطان القولون والمستقيم | |
Effect of an Educational Palliative Nursing Interventions on Selected Outcomes among Patients Having Advanced Cancer | |
Educational Nursing Intervention: Its Effect on the Nurses’ Performance, Patients’ Daily Living Activities, Needs and Selected Visual Problems of Cataract Surgery | |
Effect of Designed Educational Nursing Intervention on Knowledge and Compliance to Therapeutic Regimen among Patients with Hemodialysis | |
Effect of Nursing Intervention on Controlling Interdialytic Weight and Vascular Access Complications among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis | |
Pre-colonoscopy Nursing Education: It's Effect on Bowel Clearance and Complications among Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy | |
Application of Honey Dressing on Open Wounds: It’s Healing Effect and Satisfaction among Surgical Patients | |
Effect of Honey Dressing on Open Wound Healing and Length of Stay among Surgical Patients | |
Video assisted Education and its Effect on Bowel Clearance and Satisfaction among Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy | |
Effect of a Palliative nursing interventions on Symptoms Intensity among Patients with Advanced Cancer | |