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News Date News Title More.. URL
17/01/2021 The jury praises the theatrical performance at Menoufia University ~/LAW/NewsDetails/138981/en
20/02/2018 Discuss the message of the researcher / Sameh Saeed Abdul Maksoud Mohammed ~/LAW/NewsDetails/130365/en
14/02/2018 congratulations ~/LAW/NewsDetails/130362/en
01/02/2018 The beginning of the lectures of the second semester ~/LAW/NewsDetails/130358/en
31/01/2018 The end of the diplomas ~/LAW/NewsDetails/130350/en
28/01/2018 Discuss the message of the researcher / Saad Atef Abdel - Muttalib Hassanein ~/LAW/NewsDetails/130347/en
23/01/2018 Postgraduate Diploma Examinations ~/LAW/NewsDetails/130343/en
23/01/2018 Sixth - day diplomas ~/LAW/NewsDetails/130352/en
11/09/2017 second round exams for postgraduate studies ~/LAW/NewsDetails/128133/en
10/09/2017 Youth care welcomes students ~/LAW/NewsDetails/128126/en
10/09/2017 Congratulation for the new academic year ~/LAW/NewsDetails/128127/en
10/09/2017 University Youth Week ~/LAW/NewsDetails/128128/en
21/08/2017 important ~/LAW/NewsDetails/128119/en
13/02/2017 A seminar entitled Anti-Corruption ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127955/en
13/02/2017 A seminar entitled Anti-Corruption ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127957/en
04/02/2017 The third day of graduate exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127933/en
04/02/2017 Grants for doctoral studies provided by the British Foreign Office ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127934/en
01/02/2017 Announcement language course ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127932/en
01/02/2017 Announcement language course ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127932/en
30/01/2017 Exam material Commercial Law (Bankruptcy and operations of banks) Open Education ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127929/en
26/01/2017 Open Education exams today ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127919/en
26/01/2017 Computer Automated exam material seconds Arabic ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127920/en
26/01/2017 Congratulations to Professor Ahmed Issawi ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127921/en
24/01/2017 Exam material Islamic law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127910/en
24/01/2017 Exam material Computer Automated Language ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127911/en
24/01/2017 Exam material Islamic law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127912/en
24/01/2017 Open Education exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127915/en
23/01/2017 Vice Dean for Environmental Affairs inspects committees ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127917/en
23/01/2017 Foreign language exam material ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127909/en
22/01/2017 Exam material administrative law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127907/en
21/01/2017 Exam material personal status of non-Muslims open education ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127904/en
21/01/2017 Exam material personal status of non-Muslims open education ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127904/en
21/01/2017 Dean of the College continues exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127905/en
21/01/2017 Exam material and labor law Insurance ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127906/en
21/01/2017 Exam material evidence law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127899/en
18/01/2017 Exam material administrative contracts ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127901/en
18/01/2017 Open Education exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127902/en
18/01/2017 Exam material Egyptian constitutional law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127897/en
18/01/2017 Exam material labor law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127898/en
17/01/2017 Exam material status of non-Muslims ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127895/en
17/01/2017 Open Learning Today the college exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127896/en
16/01/2017 Exam material legal language material ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127890/en
16/01/2017 Exam material Islamic law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127891/en
16/01/2017 Open Education exams today ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127892/en
16/01/2017 D / Sahar Abdul Sattar in front of the college is following the course of the examinations ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127893/en
15/01/2017 Exam material Public International Law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127887/en
15/01/2017 Third day of exams Open Learning ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127888/en
15/01/2017 Follow up the college exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127889/en
14/01/2017 The second day of open education college exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127881/en
14/01/2017 Maritime law exam material and a fourth air Arabic ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127882/en
14/01/2017 Exam material personal status for non-Muslims ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127883/en
14/01/2017 Exam material principles of the Egyptian Commercial Law third language ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127884/en
14/01/2017 D / Abdul Rahman Kurmanbek inspects committees English Division ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127886/en
12/01/2017 Exam material economy ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127871/en
12/01/2017 The beginning of open education exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127872/en
12/01/2017 Scholarships for doctoral studies and provided by the Italian Foreign Ministry ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127873/en
12/01/2017 Sixth Scientific Conference of the Fourth International and of the Faculty of Education, University of Port Said ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127874/en
12/01/2017 Dean of the College inspects committees exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127875/en
11/01/2017 Public finance third Arabic exam ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127868/en
11/01/2017 Dean of the College continues to conduct examinations committees ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127869/en
10/01/2017 Exam material Civil Code sec Arabic ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127864/en
10/01/2017 Exam material tax legislation ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127866/en
10/01/2017 Edit formulators of fraud in the English Language Division ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127876/en
09/01/2017 Exam material Arabic fourth private international law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127861/en
09/01/2017 Exam material history of the first language of the law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127862/en
09/01/2017 Exam material private international law, a third language ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127863/en
08/01/2017 Open Education for the first semester of the year 2016/2017 exams schedule ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127860/en
20/12/2016 Training courses for workers, police device ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127835/en
14/12/2016 Lead on the first year students of business year exam ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127834/en
05/12/2016 Congratulate the birth of Prophet Mohammad ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127832/en
04/12/2016 Exchange reward of 300 pounds for workers at the University of Menoufiya in the Prophet's Birthday ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127831/en
15/11/2016 PHD ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127815/en
03/11/2016 Important Alert ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127816/en
27/10/2016 phd ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127813/en
26/10/2016 phd ~/LAW/NewsDetails/127812/en
16/06/2015 The end of the Arab exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126504/en
16/06/2015 The contract and the rules of evidence theory exam ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126449/en
16/06/2015 Administrative contracts exam E ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126450/en
15/06/2015 Criminal law exam third band ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126464/en
15/06/2015 Islamic law exam first language ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126447/en
14/06/2015 Today leads the fourth year students of Arab exam material Commercial Law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126494/en
13/06/2015 Today leads the second year students of English Division exam material civil law ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126445/en
13/06/2015 Arab Commercial Law exam and E a fourth language ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126446/en
11/06/2015 Today leads the third year students exam material Commercial Law E ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126444/en
11/06/2015 Computer examination of an initial squad ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126497/en
11/06/2015 The last days of open education college exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126526/en
10/06/2015 The fifth day in the third week of exams Open Learning ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126523/en
10/06/2015 College Board ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126499/en
09/06/2015 Dean of the College inspects committees in the third week ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126507/en
08/06/2015 Civil law exam a second band Arabic ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126452/en
08/06/2015 Exam material public international law E ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126440/en
08/06/2015 Intellectual property rights E exam a fourth language ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126441/en
07/06/2015 Exam date systems ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126381/en
07/06/2015 E exam material economy ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126378/en
07/06/2015 Exam date of the first band systems ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126451/en
06/06/2015 The third week of the Arab exams ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126502/en
06/06/2015 The third week of exams Open Learning ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126519/en
06/06/2015 Exam legal training material ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126380/en
04/06/2015 Private international law exam a fourth language ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126318/en
27/05/2015 Exam sea and air a fourth band Division language ~/LAW/NewsDetails/126087/en
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