Menofia University

Master's Thesis in the specialty of surgery of the liver and bile ducts dr. / Mohammed Saeed Harizh

Dean's Office


Approval of the Committee on postgraduate Institute based on the approval of the Department of Surgery of the liver and bile ducts to form a committee examine and discuss the Master's Thesis in the specialty of surgery of the liver and bile ducts dr. / Mohammed Saeed Harizh and formed a screening committee and discuss the letter from Messrs Masters: -

D / Amr Abdel-Majid Sadiq Professor of Surgery Institute (for supervisors)

D / Hesham Mohamed Abdel Dayem Professor of Surgery Institute (discussed internal)

D / Mahmoud Abdul Aziz Dawood
, a professor of radiology  - Tanta University (external discussion)

The lifting of the university administration for approval





