اختر اللغة

agent the current Institute for Graduate Studies and Research



NAME:                              Hossam-eldin Abdel-Latif Taha  

                                           MB, BCh. M.Sc, M.D.

                                           Professor of Medicine,

                                          National Liver Institute, Menoufiya University, Egypt.

NATIONALITY:             Egyptian.

SEX:                                 Male.

DATE OF BIRTH:         31/ 8/ 1955. Cairo, Egypt.

MARITAL STATUS:      Married and has 2 children (Ayten & Ahmed).


                                          47 El-Manil Street, El-Manil, Cairo, Egypt (Clinic)

                                     2 El-Fardos buildings, Pyramids Garden Project Street, Pyramid,       Giza, Egypt (Home)

TELEPHONE:               (00-202) 3-376-3678 Home

                                         (00-202) 2-362-6168 Clinic

                                          (00-20122) 977-2285 Mobile phone




LANGUAGES:              Arabic: mother tongue,

                                        English: very good spoken & written.



  • Medical school:

Kasr El-Aini Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, 1973-1979.   

MB, BCh, December 1979,

Grade: very good with honor.

  • Master of Medicine:

Kasr El-Aini Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, 1981-1983,

MSc, November 1983,

Grade: very good.

  • Doctor of Internal Medicine:

Faculty of Medicine, Menoufiya University, 1985-1992

MD, November 1992.



03/1980-02/1981: Intern, Cairo University Hospitals.

09/1981-10/1983:  Resident of Internal Medicine, Cairo University Hospitals.

04/1984-10/1985:  Resident of Internal Medicine, As-Salam International Hospital, Cairo, Egypt.

11/1985-07/1986:   Resident of Internal Medicine, Nile Badrawi Hospital (private hospital), Cairo, Egypt.

08/1986-12/1992:   Assistant lecturer of Clinical Hepatology, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, Egypt.

01/1993-01/1998:  Lecturer of Clinical Hepatology, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, Egypt.

01/1998-10/2003:  Associate Professor of Clinical Hepatology, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, Egypt.

01/2004-1/2007   Chief of Clinical Hepatology Department, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, Egypt.

10/2003-to date:   Professor of Clinical Hepatology, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, Egypt.

1/1993- date       Consultant Physician and Chief of Hepatology and Gastroenterology     Units, Nile Badrawi Hospital and Sheikh Zayed specialized hospital, Cairo, Egypt.

11/2011-to date   Vice dean of higher education and, National Liver Institute, Menuofia University



- Had a training course in Liver transplantation and Hepatology in University of South California- San Diego (UCSD), United Stats (1998- 1999)

- One of the first groups of physicians in the National Liver Institute. He shares in the initiation and development of its activity since 1986 to date. He worked as associate, lecturer, lecturer, associate professor, professor, head of medical department, vice dean. Also in the administrative part as responsible for the development of the library, control, post graduate and foreign affair, head of endoscopy and day care unit

- Iniate and develop the "Endoscopy Unit" and the "Day Care Unit", National Liver Institute, Menofiya University, Egypt.

- The creator and designer (with Prof.Dr.Imam Waked) of the National Liver institute's web site (

- Supervision and teaching in a number of training programs in gastrointestinal endoscopy in National Liver Institute and Teaching Hospitals in Egypt.

-- Pioneer in using Histoacryl Blue and band ligation in treatment of esophageal varices in Egypt.

- Shared in many medical campaigns in rural areas in Egypt (Fayeom, Domiat, Ibrahemia Sharkia)

- Shared in organization of different international conferences in the field of Hepatology and gastroenterology in Egypt.

  -Share in the editorial board (editorial co-editor) in Endoscopy journal "Arabic edition", May 2000, the official organ of the Egyptian Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (E.S.G.I.E.).

- Shared in the publication of two parts of a book (Essentials of Hepatology and gastroenterology) by late Prof. Fouad Thakeb and published (2002).

- Shared in founding and upgrading of the Hepatology, gastroenterology and endoscopy units in Ahmed Maher Teaching Hospital.

- The Medical Director of the Project of Augmentation of Health services in the field of gastroenterology and Hepatology in Giza Governorate. Project done by Nahdet Misr Medical Association (NGO) (2001-2003).The aim was to support, equipped and trains one hundred physician in the field of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy and ultrasonography.

- The principle investigator in the project of Endoscopy in a population with a high     prevalence of hepatitis C:  cross –infection and adequacy of reprocessing guideline. Done by the National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, Egypt and Miryland University, USA (2003-2004).

- Director of Project " Hepatonet"  done by Nahdet Misr Medical Association (NGO) updated information to physicians and Arabic patients and to develop a soft ware for the data base in five imminent gastroenterology centers and to provide this soft ware for 1000 physicians for their privet clinic in an affordable cost.

- The chief Editor of " The Egyptian Network of gastroenterologist and hepatologist" web site ( ; that as ranked as number "1"  by Google search  in  gastroenterology and hepatology in Egypt (2006- To date).

- General Coordinator of hepatology and gastroenterology improving services in Egypt, done by Nahdet Misr Medical Association  (NGO), sponsored by Coca- Cola International, 2008- 2010. The aim of the project was the developing supporting and equipping two liver and gastroenterology centers

- Chief Editor of the "NILE Liver Journal", the official journal of the National Institute of Liver diseases in Egypt.

-- Chief Editor of the "Egyptian Liver Journal", the official journal of the National Institute of Liver diseases in Egypt. Published by the international publisher, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. The journal is available online at

- Secretary of EASGD association in Egypt (NGO Medical Association)



  • Society of liver patient's friends in Egypt and Arab world.
  • Egyptian Association For the study in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (EASGD).
  • German-Egyptian Society of Friends of gastroenterology patients.



  • Award from the National Liver Institute, Menofiya University, Egypt (2000), to appreciate his effort during the initiation and development of the Institute.
  • The "Ideal Doctor Award" from the Menofiya Physician Syndicate (2002)



  1. The study of the esophagus by endoscopy and radiology after sclerotherapy: H.A.Taha, F.Thakeb, Y.A.Ali, A.El-Feki. M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt, 1983.
  2. Field study on Fasciola Hepatica prevalence in Menoufiya gavrenorate, 1988 (Mohamed ElSayed, MD Thesis, Al-Azahar university).
  3. The effect of cancer chemotherapy on the gastric function and structure, 1989 (Hossam A.Taha, MD Thesis, Cairo University).
  4. Endosonographic assessment of lesions around the cardia: E.M.fahim Esheba, I.K.Marwan, S.M.Saleh, M.A.Sadek. M Sc thesis in hepatobiliary surgery, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, 1992.
  5. Endoscopic Therapy of Bleeding Gastric Varices with Tissue Adhesive. A Pilot Study. Gastroenterology, 1994; 106: A1004 -Abstract.
  6. Comparison between Endoscopic Sclerotherapy & Variceal Ligation in the Treatment of Bleeding Esophageal Varices. Menuofiya Med. J. 1994; 6:23-29.
  7. Immunoreactive Insulin C-Peptide and Glucagon in Chronic Liver Diseases. Menuofiya Med. J. 1994; 6:267-282.
  8. Evaluation of different doses of Praziquantel in treatment of intestinal Schistosomiasis: Y.R.El-Gazzar, S.S.Gazreen, S.M.Saleh, G.M.Amer. M Sc thesis in General Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Menuofiya University, 1995.
  9. Free testosterone, estradiol and sex hormone binding globulin in male patients with chronic Bilharzial Liver. Egyptian J. Lab. Med. 1995; 7: 165-180.
  10. Large Volume Paracentesis -Single Session versus Multiple Sessions for Treatment of Tense Ascites in Cirrhotic Patients. Kasr El Aini Med. J. 1996; 2:115-127.
  11. The Value of Serum Alpha -1- Anti-Trypsin Level in Chronic Liver Diseases. Kasr El Aini Med. J. 1996; 2:115-127.
  12. Endpoint of Endoscopic Sclerotherapy: A Role for Endoscopic Ultrasonography?  Hepatology, 1996; 24:211A
  13. Viral profile in hepatocellular carcinoma. Menuofiya Med. J. 1996.
  14. The use of choledochoscope in obstructive jaundice: M.B.Abdel-Halem, H.A.Taha, I.K.Marwan, A.H.Eskander. M.Sc. thesis in hepatobiliary surgery, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University1997.
  15. Irresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Some treatment options: E.S.Hassan, H.A.Taha, M.S.Mostafa, A.A.Hassan, S.M.Saleh. M Sc thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, 1999.
  16. In HCV Naïve patients; Combination therapy improves viral clearance when compared to induction therapy. T Hassanein, P Monson, C Behling, E Chatfield, H Taha, S Mohanty, N Aronson, K Medley, WG Hardison. Southern California Transplantation Institute, Riverside, CA, University of California, San Diego and VA Medical Center, San Diego, CA. Gastroenterology, 1999; A711.
  17. Histology of chronic HCV based on genotype. T Hassanein, P Monson, C Behling, E Chatfield, H Taha, S Mohanty, N Aronson, K Medley, WG Hardison. Southern California Transplantation Institute, Riverside, CA, University of California, San Diego and VA Medical Center, San Diego, CA. Gastroenterology, 1999;A712
  18. Evaluation of antischistosomal effect of praziquqntil in hepatic cirrhosis. Zagazeg University medical J. 1999; 5: 197-211
  19. Obstructive jaundice with biliary dilatation of obscure origin, BDOO: Etiology, Fate and endoscopic management. Endoscopy (Arab edition) 2000; 1:59-63.
  20. Endoscopic therapy of parasites and worms in the bile ducts. Endoscopy (Arab edition) 2000; 1:71-81.
  21. Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in semen of patients with chronic HCV infection and its relation to serum viral load. Egyp.J.Androl. Reprod.2000 14; 63-73
  22. How far liver enzymes reflect the inflammatory activity in the liver patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection: F.M. El-Sayed, m.A.Fathy, H.A.Taha, A.A. Raouf. M Sc thesis in Biochemistry7, Faculty of Medicine, Menuofiya University, 2000.
  23. Band ligation with or without sclerotherapy in bleeding esophageal varices. Egyptian Gastroenterology J. 2002; 7: 307-316
  24. Myocardial dysfunction in cirrhotic patients. Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, 2002; 8: 411-430
  25. Apoptosis and cytoproliferative markers changes in chronic hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma. Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, 2002; 8: 385- 410
  26. Endoscopic diagnosis and prevalence of anorectal varices in cirrhotic patients in Egypt. Egyptian Gastroenterology J, 2002; 7: 317-330
  27. Is there a correlation between the histological picture & biochemical parameters in patients with chronic HCV infection? Yearly conference of the National Liver Institute in Egypt, November 2002.
  28. Partial Pressure of Ammonia versus Ammonia in hepatic encephalopathy: A.M.Ahmed, O.M.El-Hadad, H.A.Taha, S.M.Saleh. M.Sc. Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University. 2002.
  29. Interleukin-12 as a marker for Hepatocellular damage in hepatitis c virus infection: M.M.H.Bakier, M.A.El-Batanony, E.A.Rewisha, H.A.Taha, S.M.Saleh. M.Sc. Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuoofiyia University, Egypt, 2002
  30. Magnetic resonance cholangio pancreatography versus Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogrphy in decision making in the management of obstructive jaundice: M.M/Abdo, O.M.Hendy, M.O.Osman, H.A.Taha, T.A.M.El-Sefi. M.SC. Thesis in hepatobiliary surgery, National Liver Institute, Menuoofiyia University, Egypt, 2002.
  31. The value of CYFRA 21-1 versus CEA and CA 19-9 serum & bile levels in diagnosis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Egyptian Gastroenterology J, 2003; 8: 1-15
  32. Study the effect of treatment on health-related quality of life in chronic hepatitis C patients: S.T.Ahmed, A.K.Abou-Gabal, H.A.Taha, I.A.Waked, and S.M.Saleh. M Sc thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, 2003.
  33. Band Ligation with or without sclerotherapy in bleeding esophageal varices: M.A.El-Jaky, A.k.Abou-Gabal, H.A.Taha, I.A.Waked, and S.M.Saleh. M Sc thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, 2003.
  34. Gastric varices; etiology and characteristics in Egyptian patients with chronic liver diseases: H.M.El-Shazly, M.R.El-Kholy, F.F.Metwally, H.A.Taha, S.S.gazareen. M.D. thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Menuofiya University, 2003.
  35. The value of serum thyroid hormone levels in hospitalized patients with chronic liver disease: F.A.Mohamed, H.H.El-Said, N.M.Ghnhyem, H.A.Taha, A.A.Raouf,  M Sc thesis in Biochemistry, Faculty Of Medicine, Menuofiya University, 2003.
  36. Effect of midazolam in cirrhotic patients without hepatic encephalopathy: G.I.El-Azab, N.A.Omar, M.S.Mohamedf, H.A.Taha. M Sc thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University2003.
  37. Steatosis and chronic hepatitis C: A.A.Abdel-Latif, T.A.Salman, A.O.El-Refaie, I.A.Rewisha, H.A.Taha.  M Sc thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University2003.
  38. Predictors of response to long acting interferon in Egyptian hepatitis C patients: M.M.Ahmed, H.El-Saied, I.A.Rewisha, H.A.Taha, S.M.Saleh. M Sc thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University2003.
  39. Study of lipid profile in cirrhosis and Hepatocellular carcinoma: K.A.Abdel-Latif, A.K.Abou-Gabal, A.A.El-Shaarawy, M.S.Mohammed, H.A.Taha. M.Sc., National Liver Institute, Menuoofiyia University, Egypt, 2003
  40. Analysis of the feasibility of living donor liver transplantation in Egypt; assessment of the donors in the setting of high prevalence of HCV and Shistosomiasis: H.E.H.Zaghla, E.A.Rewisha, T.L.Fong, H.A.Taha, I.A.Waked, S.M.Saleh. M.D.Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya Universit2004y.
  41. Value of different approaches of artificial support in liver failure: N.A.A.Allam, E.A.Rewisha, A.A.Taha, I.A.Waked, S.M.Saleh. M.Sc. Degree, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University 2003.
  42. Vasoactive drugs in the management of hepatorenal syndrome: M.A.S.Khola, A.K.Abou-Gabal, T.A.Salman, H.A.Taha, S.M.Saleh. M.Sc. Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, 2003.
  43. Serum and biliary markers in cholangiocarcinoma: E.A.El-Shimi, G.A.A.Badra, T.A.Salman, H.A.Taha, A.A.Raouf. M.Sc. Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University 2004.
  44. Health related quality of life and severity indices of chronic liver disease: H.R.Alwakel, N.A.Omar, O.M.El-Hadad, and H.A.Taha. M.Sc. Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University 2004.
  45. Helicobacter pylori infection in HCV and HBV positive patients with cirrhosis: M.A.Sarhan, B.A.El-Aziz, H.A.Taha, N.A.Eissa, A.B.Mohamed, M Sc thesis in Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Menuofiya University2004.
  46. Cognitive functioning and health related quality of life in chronic hepatitis C patients: Is there any link? M.S.Hashim, O.El-Hadad, A.O.El-Refaie, H.A.Taha, and I.A.Waked. M.Sc. Degree, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University 2005.
  47.  Donor quality of life after living donor liver transplantation in relation to recipient outcome: M.A.Abbasy, H.M.Badran, E.A.Rewisha, H.A.Taha, I.A.Waked.  . M.Sc. thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University 2005.
  48. Relationship between serum Paraoxonase 1 activity and hepatic cell dysfunction: A.M.M.Zaki, E. A.Ahmed, A.K.Abou-Gabal, M.S.Mohamed, H.A.Taha. M.Sc. thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University 2005.
  49. Quality of life assessment in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection: M.G.Abdel-Moneim, H.A.Taha, I.A.Waked, S.M.Saleh. M Sc thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, 2005.
  50. Assessment of severity of liver disease in chronic hepatitis c patients: A.S. Attia, A.O.El-Refaey, M.S.Mostafa, H.A.Taha. M.Sc. thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, Egypt, 2005.
  51. Spontaneous Bacterial peritonitis in asymptomatic ascetic patient: E. Mouris, A.M.Abdel-Aziz, M.Y.Abdel-Karem, O.M.El-Hadad, H.A.Taha. M.Sc. thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University , Egypt, 2006
  52. Comparative study between N-Butyl-2-Cyanoacrylate injection sclerotherapy versus surgical intervention in managing bleeding fundal varices. E.M.Zayed, N.Omar, T.M. Ibrahium, M.Salama, H.A. Taha., M.Sc. thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, Egypt, 2006.
  53. Variceal recurrence after band Ligation: outcome of argon plasma coagulation: T.E.Hamed, N.Omar, O.M. El-Hadad, H.A.Taha, And I.A.Waked. M.Sc. thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University , Egypt, 2006
  54. Different modalities in the management of junctional varices; Y.M.El-sherif, N.A.Omar, A.K.Abo-Gaqbal, H.A.Taha. M.Sc. thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University , Egypt, 2006
  55. Occult hepatitis B in Egyptian HCC patients at National Liver Institute: A.K.Khamis, H.M.Badran, H.H.El-Saeed, E.A.Rewisha, H.A.Taha. M.Sc. thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University , Egypt, 2006
  56. An Approach to improve the diagnostic value of alpha feto Protein in detecting hepatocellular carcinoma: W.M.Fathy, R.H.El-Edel, H.A.Taha, G.K.Hassan, G.K.El-Saeed. M.D. thesis in Clinical pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Menuofiya University , Egypt, 2006
  57. Prospective study of cross-infection from upper-GI endoscopy in a hepatitis

      C–prevalent population. Nabiel N. Mikhail,, David L. Lewis, Nabiel Omar, Hossam         Taha, Amal El-Badawy, Naglaa Abdel-Mawgoud, Mohamed Abdel-Hamid, George T. Strickland. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Volume 65, Issue 4, April 2007, Pages 584–588.

  1. Prediction of Cardiovascular complications after liver transplantation: T.R.Fouad, S.S.Lee, A.A.Reda, H.A.Taha, S.M.Saleh. M.D.Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University 2008.
  2. Prognosis after Liver Transplantation: A single-center analysis, conducted at California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco-USA. M.A.S.Khola, O.M.Hendy, O.M.El-Hadad, M.Bonacini, H.A.Taha. M.D. thesis, 2008.
  3. Role of Gamma Glutamyl Transferase in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection: E.A.M.Beder, A.A.Basiuni, N.A.Ehsan, N.A.Omar, H.A.Taha. M.Sc. Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University 2008.
  4. Endoglin; could it be a good predictor of liver fibrosis in chronic HCV patients: M.M.El-Sabawi, N.A.Ehsan, O.M.Hendy, O.El-Hadad, H.A.Taha. M.D. Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University 2008.
  5. Occult hepatitis B. Dina A. Abdel-Hafez, Heba S, Selim, Hossam A. Taha and Mohamed A. El-Barawy. M.SC.Thesis, Public Health Institute, Alexandria (2009)
  6. Non invasive prediction for the presence of gastro-esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis: H.Abogabal, H.El-Shazly, N.Omar and h.A.Taha. M.Sc Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University (2010).
  7. Endoscopic band ligation compared with endoscopic band ligation and portal hypotensive drugs in prevention of esophageal varicel rebleeding. W. El-Baz, M.Asem, G.Badra and H.A. Taha. National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University.  M.SC.Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University(2010)
  8. Evaluation of interleukin-18 as non invasive markers of liver damage among chronic hepatitis C virus patients. D.Abdel-Fatah, M.A. El-barawy, H.A. Taha and H.S. Ahmed. M.Sc. thesis, High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University(2010)
  9. Prognosis of cirrhotic patients undergoing mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit: analysis of predictive factors of mortality and severe sepsis. Wael Abdel-Razek, Magdy Khalel, Mohsen Salama, Francois Durand and Hossam Tah. M.D. Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University.  M.SC.Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University(2010)
  10. Primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in hepatocellular carcinoma patients: prospective randomized controlled study. Mohamed E. El-Sherify, Ashraf Abo-gabal, Hossam Taha and Imam Waked. M.D.Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University(2010)
  11. Predictors or renal dysfunction after orthotopic liver transplantation. Mohamed A.Abbasy, Naglaa A. Allam, Ahmed A. El-Sharawy, Ayman Y. Abdel-Rehem and Hossam A. Taha. M.D.Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University (2010).

Poster presentation in the annual AASLD Conference 2010

Paper published in the first issue of Nile Liver Journal. (October 2010).

  1. Predictive Factors for Hepatic Decompensation after Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): A Single Center Experience. Mohamed Kohla1,  Mai Abu Zeid1, Mohamed El-Warraky2 , Hossam Taha1, Hassan El-Shinnawy1, El-Sayed Solaiman3, Robert Gish4. M.Sc. Thesis, National Liver Institute, Menofiya University, 2010.
  2. Predictive factors for Hepatic Decompensation after TACE for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): A Single Center Experience. Mohamed Kohla, Mai Abu Zeid, Mohamed El-Warraky, Robert Gish, Hossam Taha. (Abstract) accepted at the fifth annual meeting of the International Liver Cancer Association, in Hong Kong, September 2-4, 2011.
  3. Serum albumin and AFP levels as Predictive Factors for Hepatic Decompensation after TACE for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC).  Mohamed Kohla, Mai Abu Zeid, Mohamed El-Warraky, Robert Gish, Hossam Taha. (Abstract) accepted at the 22nd conference of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL), February 16-19, 2012 at Taipei, Taiwan.
  4. Efficacy of Nitazoxanide in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C (CHC) Genotype 4: A Single Center Experience. Mohamed Kohla, Hala El-Said, Ashraf El-Fert, Nermine  Ehsan, HossamTaha.  (Abstract) accepted as an oral presentation at the International Digestive Disease Forum, June 9-10, 2012 in Hong Kong.
  5.  Impact of 4-Week Monotherapy with Nitazoxanide  on Hepatitis C Viral Load  in Genotype 4 Egyptian Patients: A Double Blind Placebo-controlled Trial. Mohamed Kohla, Hala El-Said, Ashraf El-Fert, Nermine  Ehsan, HossamTaha.  (Abstract) accepted as an oral presentation at the 14th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease, June 22-25, 2012 in Shanghai, China.
  6.  Role of occult hepatitis B virus in chronic hepatitis C patients with flare of liver enzymes. Heba S. Selim, Hadia Abo-Donia, Hossam A, Taha, Gaser I, El-Azab and Ahmed F,Bakry. European Journal of Internal Medicine. Volume 22, Issue 2 , Pages 187-190, April 2011

Abstract UEGW 2011.

  1. Prevalence of Gall stones in Egyptian patients with chronic liver disease. Ashraf M. ElJaky, Mohamed S. Hashem, Osama El-Bahr, Hossam A. Taha, Hassan El-Shenawi and Samira Abo-Elkeher.Journal Of American Science, 2012;8(1) 734-737





  1. The value of PIVKA-II and AFP-L3% in diagnosis of Hepatocellular carcinoma with normal and abnormal AFP.
  2. Sudden Elevation of Aminotransferases In Egyptian Adults Infected With Chronic HCV: Incidence And Causes
  3. Efficacy of short course of Peginterferon and Ribavirin for treatment of chronic HCV Genotype 4
  4. Efficacy of Nitazoxanide monotherapy in chronic Hepatitis C genotype 4 treatment naive patients with cirrhosis: a phase II placebo controlled randomized trial
  5. Insulin resistance in patients with chronic Hepatitis C and its relation to therapy and sustained virological response.
  7. The feasibility for systemic chemotherapy in patient with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): Sorafenib plus Tegafur-uracil (UFT)  vs. Sorafenib in patients with advanced HCC








-Professor Imam Waked

Dean of the National Liver Institute, Menuofiya University, Egypt.


-Professor Gamal Esmat

President of (IASL) International Association for the Study of the Liver (2006-2009)


-Professor Mazen Naga

Head of the Endoscopy Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

