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💡Unraveling the Mysteries of Obstructive Jaundice at NLI CC 2025💡

💡Unraveling the Mysteries of Obstructive Jaundice at NLI CC 2025💡

مؤتمر معهد الكبد القومي


💡Unraveling the Mysteries of Obstructive Jaundice at NLI CC 2025💡
🤔 Join leading experts for an in-depth exploration of obstructive jaundice during this integrated session. 
👨‍⚕️ Featuring insights from:
Prof. Dr. Yasser Kamal
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Kamal
Prof. Dr. Amr Abo-Elmagd
Prof. Dr. Qian Chen
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Magdi
Prof. Dr. Hazem Omar
Prof. Dr. Islam Ayoub

🗓️ Mark your calendars: February 13th, 2025 📍 
Be there: Main Hall, Hilton Cairo Grand Nile Hotel, Cairo, Egypt
🔗 Register now:
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🤝 Organized by Con Group Events Management   ™ and Innovators For Organizing Conferences   ™.
 #nlicc2025   #collaboration 
 #liverhealth  #MedicalConference  #MinistryofHigherEducation  #cairo  #Egypt  #nationalliverinstitute #MedicalConference #menofiauniversity  #VirtualConference #onlineevent #congroup  #Innovators





