اختر اللغة

Poster Preparation

Guidelines for poster presentations


Poster Board Size

  • The size of each poster board is 42 inches wide (107cm) by 42 inches high (107cm).
  • When preparing the poster, be sure to subtract a 1-inch (2.5cm) border to leave room for the poster to properly fit on the poster board.


Poster Preparation


  • A title banner should be prepared which is not more than 42 inches wide (107cm).
  • The banner should include the title, authors and address.
  • The minimum size of each page should be at least 8 ½" x 11." Larger sizes may be used, but size consistency is encouraged.
  • A minimum letter size of 14 point is recommended. Large point sizes should be used for headings. Please use block lettering and not script.
  • For best visual effect, use simple to semi-complex figures that can be read easily (from 4 ft. away).
  • After the title banner, include a concise, straightforward statement of the objective of the work, followed by other information to demonstrate in some detail the work that was done and typical results. Excessive detail is not encouraged.
  • At the end of the poster, state the results and/or conclusions of the work.
  • Arrange poster information for logical flow from top to bottom, left to right.

