Invited Speakers


Prof. Hussein I. El-Subbagh

Professor of Medicinal Chemistry

Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University


Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Mansoura University, Egypt. In 1988 he gained his Ph.D. from University of Rhode Island, USA and University of Mansoura, Egypt. In 1996, he was awarded “Alexander von Humboldt” fellowship at University of Bonn, Germany,"Shoman Award" for the Young Arab Scientists in Chemistry in 1994, “State Prize for Encouragement of Science” in 1997; "Waleed Kayali Prize for Scientific Research" in 2008; FUE outstanding research award, 2012, State Prize for Scientific Distinction, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt, in 2015, Presidential Medal of Science and Arts, 2017. Also he is on the list of expertise of EACEA-Erasmus+, European Commission. His scientific production is reported in more than 100 publications in leading international journals and ten US & European patents. His “h-Index” reached 26 according to “SCOPUS” data base evaluation system.


Talk: Thiadiazolodiazepine Analogues as a New Class of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents: Synthesis, Biological Evaluation and Molecular Modeling Study.




Prof.  Ibrahim Tantawy

Prof. of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry

 Faculty of Science, Menoufia University

Professor of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Egypt. He is a specialist in drug discovery and development, through chemical synthesis, of new drug for treatment of the world’s deadliest diseases such as cancer & Malaria. He received his Ph.D. from MU and Aarhus University, Denmark. He spent many years of postdoctoral positions & as a visiting Professor at Austria, Japan, Sweden & Belgium. Currently he is the President of Japan Society for The Promotion of Science Alumni Association in Egypt (JSPSAAE) since 2012. He received many international awards including WHO Innovation Award for Developing Novel Anticancer Drug based on natural source. Currently he acts as a reviewer for many international journals & for the Promotion Committees of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities. Prof. Tantawy is a Board Member of International Green Technology Organization, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Talk: A Journey in Design, Synthesis and Development of Novel Anticancer and Antimalarial Agents.





Prof. Nazim Şekeroğlu

 Dean of Agricultural Faculty

Kilis 7 Aralık University-Turkey.


Professor of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. Kilis 7 Aralık University. Dr. Sekeroglu received his Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. He is the author or co-author of about one hundred peer-reviewed scientific articles, book chapters and conference presentations as an invited speaker. He is a scientific board of some respected journals on Plant, Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences published under Elsevier, Wiley, Springer and other European and US publishing groups. Dr.Sekeroglu has some European (with Lithuania, Portugal and Spain), Japan and National research projects. He is the founder & president of “Association of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Mediterranean (AMAPMED)’’. He is also General Coordinator of GOFMAP (Global Federation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants). He is a Chairman of “Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESMAP)’’ Symposiums.


Talk: Regulatory and Legal Issues on Herbal Drugs for Food Safety and Public Health.

Prof. Ibrahim M. El-Sherbiny

Professor of Smart Nanomaterials & Nanomedicine

 Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt

Professor of smart nanomaterials and nanomedicine, the Founding Chairman of Nano and Materials Sciences Programs, and the Founding Director of the Center of Materials Science (CMS) at Zewail City, Egypt. He earned his Ph.D. degree from Massey University, New Zealand. He conducted his post-doctoral at University of New Mexico and Texas University, USA.

El-Sherbiny was honoured by many national and international universities and academies including the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), and Texas University, USA. He has more than 100 scientific papers published in high impact peer-reviewed journals, author of three books plus contribution to more than other 18 books, and more than fifteen review articles. He is also a named inventor on 24 patents in U.S., U.K., Japan, Europe and Egypt. Dr. El-Sherbiny is an editorial board member of many well-respected nano- and pharmaceutical journals.


Talk: Overview of Nanotechnology and Smart Nanomaterials for Advanced Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications.



Dr. Ahmed Ali

Assoc. Prof. Department of Life Sciences

University of Mumbai, India


Associate Professor of Life Sciences Department, University of Mumbai, India. He received his Ph.D. (Life Science) from University of Mumbai. Dr. Ali research area is in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Dr. Ali is  member of  different association including; Society of Biological Chemists (SBC), Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Research Society for the study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI), Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI), International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB), Bioinformatics Society of India (INBIOS), Science Advisory Board Member, Member, and Editorial Board International Journal of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry (IJPPB). He is reviewer of many journals as Annals of Phytomedicine, 3 Biotech (Springer Journal), International Journal of Biological Macromolecules and International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries (IJDDC). Dr. Ali has 13 scientific papers and co-authored 4 books.


Talk: Antiglycating and Antiaggregation potential of Artificial Sweeteners.



Sevgi Gezici

Assoc. Prof. of Molecular Biology & Genetic Department

 Faculty of Art and Science, Kilis 7 Aralik University, Turkey


Assiociate Professor of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Kilis 7 Aralik University, Turkey. She received her Ph.D. from University of Gaziantep, Turkey.
Dr. Gezici has published 13 scientific papers in international & national scientific journals. Dr. Gezici was awarded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for her publication for two consecutive years. She attended more than fifty national and international conferences in several countries (Turkey, Japan, Slovakia, USA, Malaysia, Tunisia, and Bulgaria). She is an editorial board member of many international journals.

Dr. Gezici has a membership in European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), European Proteomics Federation (EuPA), Association of Medical Biology and Genetics, Association of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Mediterranean (AMAPMED) and Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats (TEMA).


Talk: Innovations, Challenges and Future Prospects of Comparative Proteomics Analysis Combined with Bioinformatics Tools for Drug Developments and Personalized Therapeutics in Cancer Research.

Dr. Ahmed Fahim

Assoc. Prof. of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing, Sunderland University, U.K.

Associate Professor of pharmaceutics, Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing, Sunderland University, U.K. He received his Ph.D. from UCL School of Pharmacy, London. He played a key role in establishing a new School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Ulster University and became the course director for MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Dr. Fahim undertook postdoctoral research position at Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences in Glasgow,   Queen’s University Belfast. He is a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy in UK and a member of the Academic Pharmacy Group at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Also, Dr. Fahim is serving as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Analytical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and as a reviewer for many international journals in the field including the International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Journal of Controlled Release and Pharmaceutical Research Journal.

Talk: 3D tablet printing: is a step closer for personalizes medicine.



Prof. Alaa Hayallah

Head of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Department

Vice dean Faculty of Pharmacy, Deraya University, Egypt

Professor of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry & Vice dean for Education & Students Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy, Deraya University, Minia, Egypt.
Dr. Hayallah is known for his excellence and innovative research on chemistry, particularly on Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry. He received his Ph.D. from Bonn University, Germany. Prof. Hayallah has a unique expertise in Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design as a Lecturer of "Instrumental tools for drug analysis and molecular biology” at Faculty of Pharmacy, Israa University, Jordan. Previous to his Deanship at DERAYA University, He took the lead as the Head of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Dept. at Asyut University. Later, Prof. Hayallah received a prestigious Asyut University Award, as the best-ever scientific research in field of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. In addition, he is now Asyut Pharmacists Syndicate Chairman and vice president of international operation smile committee Egypt.

Talk: Design and synthesis of some Novel small molecules (SecinH3) derivatives as potential cytohesin inhibitors (Future drug candidates).

Prof. Mohamed A. ZAYED

Professor of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry

Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt.

Professor of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt. He received his B.Sc. 1969 (Honors), M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry 1972, then completed his Ph.D. Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry 1975. Then finally he got D.Sc. (Analytical Chem.), 2010. Dr. Mohamed Zayed is interested in the field of air analysis and air quality, analysis of major and minor elements, rare earths in geological ores and minerals, toxicity of organic and inorganic substances in its sources, water quality in resources, mathematical modeling of pollution problems, analysis of pharmaceutical materials and in preparations, soil analysis, analysis of natural and synthetic solid state materials using different physicochemical methods, transition metals, coordination chemistry, synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of metal complexes, schiff-base ligands, charge transfer complexes, biological activity of simple and complex materials, thermal analyses techniques, and cytotoxicity of materials to cancer cells.

Talk: Comparative Analytical Study Using Integrated Analytical Chemistry Techniques in Analysis of Some Psychiatric and Antiallergic Drugs.

Liliya Logoyda

Assoc. Prof. Pharmaceutical Chemistry

 Ternopil State Medical University, Ukraine

Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Ternopil State Medical University, Ukraine. In 2013 Dr. Liliya Logoyda received Ph.D. from National Pharmaceutical University (Ukraine), 2010. She received M.Sc. degree from Ternopil State Medical University, Ukraine. Her teaching experience focused on the field of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Control of Medicines courses for 8 years, 2013-2017. Dr. Logoyda was Vice Dean of Pharmaceutical faculty. She was scientific supervisor of 17 master's students in pharmaceutical analysis, 3 master's students are currently under her supervision. Area of scientific research is pharmaceutical development of new medicines and development of new methods of analysis for different active pharmaceutical ingredients in dosage forms and biological liquids.


Talk: Scientific substantiation of standardization and bioanalytical research of antihypertensive medicines using chromatographic.











Prof. Hesham Salem

Professor of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry

Vice dean Faculty of Pharmacy, Deraya University, Minia, Egypt


Prof. Dr. Hesham Salem has over thirty years of experience in the field of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, Drug Analysis either in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms or in Biological Fluids and Quality Control. In 1993, he earned his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University. Prof. Salem has published more than eighty-seven scientific papers in international scientific journals. Prof. Salem award and attended more than thirty national and international conferences in several countries (Egypt, Thialand, London, Spain, Turkey, Tunisia, Malaysia, Morocco, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Syrian and Dubai). Dr. Hesham helps on supervision of twenty-four Ph.D. and M.Sc. thesis.



















Prof. Mohey Elmazar

Professor of Pharmacology, Founding Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, The British University in Egypt (BUE)


Professor of Pharmacology, Founding Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, The British University in Egypt (BUE). He earned his Ph.D. from Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London University. Prof. Elmazar was a Professor and Chairman of Pharmacology Department, Mansoura University (1989), Vice Dean (2001) & Dean (2003) of Faculty of Pharmacy, Helwan University, Founding Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Ahram Canadian University (2005, & 2007 to 2012), Founding Director of the Centre for Community & Consulting Services at BUE (2006).  Prof. Elmazar is a member of several national & international scientific societies.  He is also an editor and reviewer of several national & international scientific journals. He  has six international Patents. His Major research interests are in reproductive toxicology especially teratology. Prof. Elmazar has 169 publications (78 International Publications, h-index 21, total citation 1545, cumulative IF 204.78).


Talk: Drug Repositioning and Novel Drug Delivery Systems: A speedy process of Drug Development with minimal costs to meet Egypt’s need.





Dr. Maged H.M. Sharaf

 Director, CAMAG Scientific, USA


Director of scientific business development at CAMAG Scientific (CSI), USA. He has preceding experience conducting bioanalytical assay development and validation, and human bioequivalence studies in support of the pharmaceutical industry; quality control testing of finished dosage forms; dosage forms manufacturing; and retail pharmacy.

Dr. Sharaf is a member of the Egyptian Association of Pharmacists, chair of the USP Dietary Supplements and Herbal Medicines Nomenclature Joint Subcommittee, a member of the USP Nomenclature and Labeling Expert Committee, American Chemical Society, American Society of Pharmacognosy,  & Society for Medicinal Plants and Natural Products Research. He is a scientific advisor to the American Herbal Pharmacopeia, a council member of the Specialty Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicines–Pharmaceutical Analysis, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, and a founding member of the International Association for the Advancement of High Performance Thin Layer. Chromatography.


Talk: Fit for Purpose Analytical Method and Diversity of High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography



Dr. Ahmed Shaalan

Marketing and Business Strategy Department, Business School,

Hull University, U.K.

Lecturer in Marketing at Hull University Business School (HUBS), U.K.
Dr. Shaalan holds a master degree and PhD from Hull University Business School. He is best known for his work on relationship marketing, social networks including Chinese guanxi, tourism marketing and corporate branding. 
Dr. Shaalan is particularly interested in how SMEs use relationship marketing to attract and retain new customers and in the links between western and eastern social relationship networks, including guanxi, wasta and shabakat al-alakat. Current research projects on relationship marketing are applied on SMEs
and combining personal relationships and relationship marketing to attract and retain new customers. Furthermore, Dr. Shalaan studies Chinese guanxi-type relationships in different contexts including the Arab World. Research work on branding explores key determinants of corporate brand identity
and its relationship with corporate social responsibility.




Dr. Gihan Hamdy El-sisi

Founder and Head of Pharmacoeconomic Unit

 Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs (CAPA)

Egyptian Ministry of Health

Elsisi received Ph.D. in Pharmacoeconomics, Ain Shams University and had got a certificate on Health Economics and Outcomes Research at the University of Washington. Elsisi successfully incorporated Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research into the coverage decisions of drugs. She is the principal author of both Health Care Systems Roadmap for Pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement and the Pharmacoeconomic Guidelines for Egypt which is available on International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) website. In 2011 and 2012 she received ISPOR awards at the ISPOR 14th and 15th Annual European Congresses in Madrid and Berlin. Elsisi represented Egypt in the First and Second Middle East Africa Pricing & Reimbursement Future Trends Workshop in Muscat 2012 and in Dubai 2013. She has several publications and also contributed to a number of clinical research and surveys.

Talk: Pharmacoeconomics pillars: when and why?



Dr. Mahmoud Fahmi Elsebai

Assoc. Prof. of Pharmacognosy

 Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Egypt

Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Egypt. He gained his Ph.D. from Bonn University, Germany. He had two postdoctoral fellowships in Finland and in France. He also discovered potential and safe drugs against hepatitis C virus which is a worldwide crisis especially in Egypt. These results were applied for patenting and published in Q1 journals. He has published more than 25 articles and serving as an editorial board member and reviewer of many international journals. He is a Visiting Professor at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania. He has and still supervising many Master`s and PhD students in Egypt. Dr. Elsebai has delivered many oral talks (many as invited speaker) in international and national conferences and got the best oral presentation in Sweden/2011, granted by "Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE)"

Talk: Potent and Broad Spectrum Medicinal Drugs against all Genotypes of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)



Dr. Dalia Dawoud

Lecturer of Pharmacology and Postgraduate Medicine

University of Hertfordshire, UK

 Assoc. Prof. of Pharmacology

Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt

Lecturer of Pharmacology and Postgraduate Medicine, University of Hertfordshire, UK & Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. Dr. Dawoud was awarded her Ph.D. from King's College London.
Her main research interests are pharmacoeconomics and its applications in health technology assessment, clinical guideline development, and clinical pharmacy practice and policy research with particular focus on pharmacist role in improving health outcomes. Dr. Dawoud has extensive experience in mixed-methods research, systematic reviewing, network meta-analysis and economic modelling. She has published in leading journals including the British Medical Journal (BMJ), Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy (RSAP) and Value in Health.
Dr. Dawoud serves on the editorial board of RSAP as Associate Editor for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. She is also an editorial board member for BMC Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (JoPPP) and Elsevier Open Access journal “Heliyon”.


Talk: Pharmacoeconomic evaluation and its application in clinical guideline development

Dr. Hend Al-Hussieny

Founder and Head of Egyptian Drug Information Center (EDIC)

Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs (CAPA)

Egyptian Ministry of Health

Founder and Head of Egyptian Drug Information Center (EDIC)-Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs (CAPA)-Egyptian Ministry Of Health (MOH)).  She has Ph.D. in microbiology; master of business administration (MBA), ESLSCA business school; executive leaders preparation diploma and health informatics diploma from ministry of health. She is Former Deputy Head of the Egyptian Pharmacovigilance Center (EPVC), Head of the Regional Pharmacovigilance Center in Cairo, former head of Biocidal Vigilance Department EPVC- (CAPA); MOH, Specialist at Poliovirus Diagnosis Reference Laboratory to WHO; (EgyVac/VACSERA). Former Coordinator of the Higher Technical Committee of the Arab medicine at the League of Arab State. Member of ESPET. Participated in many technical and scientific committees (MOH). Representative/lecturer at many National and International scientific, professional seminars, workshops and meetings

       Talk: Egyptian Drug Information Center

Dr. Abdel Moatamed kotb

Head of solid dosage form Department,


Head of solid dosage form department, Egyptian international pharmaceutical industries co. (EIPICO), Egypt.  Dr. Kotb, pharmacist specialized in pharmaceutical production and has 25 years of professional experience in pharmaceutical industry. More than 15 years’ experience as instructor and trainer of pharmaceutical GMP, quality management, leadership, cost management, operation management, different pharmaceutical standards (ISO, 9000, 14000, 18000, WHO guide). He is certified as international trainer, six sigma green belt, CMA, operation management diploma, auditor, leader of learning and Design and Development of Educational Technology.


Talk: New challenges face Pharmaceutical drug manufacturing.





Prof. Maha Khalifa

Prof. of Pediatric Nursing

Vice Dean  Faculty of Nursing

Menoufia University, Egypt

Prof. of Pediatric Nursing & Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, former Vice Dean for Education & Students Affairs, Menoufia University. She is the Chairman of Pediatric Nursing Department. Dr. Khalifa received her B.Sc.1982 (Alexandria University), M.Sc.1982 (Assiut University). Dr. Khalifa received her Ph.D. in Pediatric Nursing from jointly-awarded Ph.D. programme between Faculty of Nursing, Illinois, USA & Menoufia University. Dr. Khalifa received different training courses, including courses for teaching & upgrading mentally retarded children & Quality Assurance and Accreditation course. She teaches different curricula in Faculty of Nursing including; Growth and development of children, Pediatric Nursing, Critical Care Pediatric Nursing, Research, Methods of Teaching, Nursing Theories, Health Education and Curriculum Development.

Talk: Guidelines for writing research studies



Dr. Iman M. Higazy

(Pharmaceutical Technology Department, National Research Center, Egypt)

Researcher at pharmaceutical technology department, National    Research Center. she had participated in several conferences & workshops of the investment of nanotechnology in advancing new drug formulations with improving the drug delivery, physicochemical properties, pharmacokinetics and bioavailability. Also published papers, carried out projects and putted forward patent in such field.


Workshop: Ethnopharmaceutics and Nanotechnology Evolution in drug formulation and delivery






Dr. Sally A.A. Abou Taleb

(Pharmaceutical Technology Department, National Research Center, Egypt)

Researcher at pharmaceutical technology department, National    Research Center. she had participated in several conferences & workshops of the investment of nanotechnology in advancing new drug formulations with improving the drug delivery, physicochemical properties, pharmacokinetics and bioavailability. Also published papers, carried out projects and putted forward patent in such field.

Workshop: Ethnopharmaceutics and Nanotechnology Evolution in drug formulation and delivery

Mr. Amr M.El Saady

CEO-Scientific Services Life Science (SSLS)

Since 1970, Scientific Services has stood as one of the most trusted and reputable company specializing in the Sales, marketing, development, Training and After Sales Services of Scientific instrumentation for wide range of application fields in the Middle East & Africa. Scientific Services Life Science Company is primarily oriented towards research activities, QA and QC laboratories supplying them with Complete Solutions in terms of Instrumentation, Training, Technical Support and After Sales Services to enable them overcome the daily challenges they are facing.

Talk: New Innovation in Mass Spectrometry covering different pharmaceutical applications.

Dr. Ahmed Abd El-Khalik Yousief

Health Informatics Specialist,

Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs

Egyptian Ministry of Health


Health Informatics Specialist, Supply Chain Officer, Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Department, Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs.

Dr. Youseif is Co founder ex-head of Shebin Elkom Fever Hospital Drug Information Center.


Workshop: Automated Drug Delivery in Hospitals & Smart Pharmacies


Dr. Walid Omara

Assoc. Prof. of Microbiology and Immunology

 Faculty of Pharmacy, Minia University, Egypt


Dr. Omara had his PhD from University of Manchester. He is a fellow of Institute of Biomedical Sciences (IBMS) and a member of British Microbiology Society and American Society of Microbiology. He presented his work in several international conferences in Europe and USA. Dr Omara’s main interest of research is using microbial system in Biotechnology. He received USA patent for yeast lysis system for his recent research on using yeast as expression as well as delivery system for oral vaccines and other biological products. He is also interested in applying Microbiological and Systems Biology techniques including Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics; to investigate the metabolic pathway of Streptomyces coelicolor. Finally, he is engaged in Evolutionary Microbiology research to investigate  role of non-coding RNA and how essential they are by regulating multi-step expression, translation or localization of other essential genes.


Talk: Microbial System for Oral Delivery System

                         Dr. Hadir Ahmed Rostom

Head of The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Vigilance Center (EPVC)
Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs (CAPA)

Egyptian Ministry of Health


Talk: Advances in Pharmacovigilance Practice.


Dr. Mohamed Abd Allah Salem

Lecturer of   Pharmacognosy

Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt

Dr. Mohamed Abd Allah Salem was graduated from Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt in 2006 and he obtained his master of Pharmaceutical Sciences from Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt.  In 2012. Dr. Salem continued with his graduate studies as a DAAD scholar at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology (MPIMP-Golm), Germany (2014-2018), where he worked on the development of a wide range of analytical methods for lipids and metabolites analysis with a focus on understanding of target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway in plants. Dr. Salem received his Ph.D. from University of Potsdam, Germany in systems biology. Dr. Salem has many years of experience in teaching and research. Dr. Salem is currently lecturer at Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. Dr. Salem has presented poster and oral presentations in various national and international scientific conferences.



Talk: Beyond the university books: Education to build a career, not just to find a job. How can we close the gap between education and market jobs in the pharmacy sector?


Dr. Shaymaa Kassab

Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Faculty of Pharmacy, Damnhour University


Dr. Kassab has her expertise in evaluation and passion in improving the inhibition selectivity of traditional therapeutics against some isozymes are contributing toserious diseases in a way to minimize the side effects came out of pan inhibition. Dr. Kassab is engaged to prominent projects targeting elaboration of selective COX-2inhibitors with minimal CVS complications and elaboration of selective histone deacetylase inhibitors with minimal cytotoxic side effects. She recently published a bookchapter entitled “Indomethacin from anti-inflammatory to anticancer agent” in medicinal chemistry book ISBN 978-953-51-6985-7. She is officially a reviewer to “EuropeanJournal of Medicinal Chemistry”. Furthermore, she has prominent contributions in adopting laboratory friendly reaction conditions and limited chemical reaction steps togenerate the designed new candidates in a way to develop drugs are feasible to synthesize and scale it up. Dr. Kassab shared effectively in the national project of “Egypt free from virus C.

Talk: “Discovery of New Indomethacin-based analogs with Potentially Selective Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibition and Observed Diminishing to PGE2 activities” 


Third Secretary, Information and Culture Center

Embassy of Japan in Egypt

Talk: Orientation for Study & Research Opportunities in Japan



Prof. Yasser El_Shabrawy El-Sayed

Professor and Head of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry

Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansour University


Talk: Vision for Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry (PAC)



Mr. Waleed Salheen

Excutive Manager at leen for Communication and Information Technology

 Leen is a leading company in the field of communications and information technology . Leen's main goal always is to harness technology to satisfy customer’s needs and requirements by making the most of simplifying and facilitating the technology and making all its tools flexible to suit different customer requirements.

In Saudi Arabia, The Company has succeeded in reaching the highest levels of customer satisfaction using top notch technology with high professionalism.

In Egypt, Leen company is completing the march and providing all the services and products related to the field of technology, whether Software, Hardware, Web designing or Social Marketing.









