Ethics manual

Professional ethics for employees at the Faculty of Agriculture

University Almonofiyah


Commitment of Morals year moral character differs from the other two types of ill-commitment to replace our attention in the context of the profession, namely: commitment to professional goals, and commitment to professional ethics.

As for the general moral character obligation Morals it comply with the general public learn in childhood (such as do not cheat, do not steal, do not hurt others).

The professional commitment to the goals it comply with the requirements of a profession or a job or a particular institution to make high-value targets looking forward to the community, whether goods or services.

 The commitment to professional ethics Ethics is comply with the requirements of a profession or a job or a particular institution of behavior to achieve its objectives. While producing a career or a job or a particular institution or commodity service questionable utilitarian or moral, this is a betrayal of the public trust may result in harm to human beings.

And university faculty members impose on them their job (or profession) to make high-value targets consist principally of graduates and research standards consistent with the aspirations of the community (standards of professional commitment to the goals). These ambitions are faculty's commitment to high standards of ethics (commitment to professional ethics standards) can be marketed on the basis of the general character or on the basis that she commends the progress of science. Complying with the required professional ethics is the duty but does not replace the professional goals of benefit to the community
