Menofia University

recording the subject of a doctoral degree in Hepatology Dr . / Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Shaheen

Dean's Office


Approval of the Committee on Graduate Studies Institute with the consent of the Department of Hepatology  on recording the subject of a doctoral degree in Hepatology Dr . / Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Shaheen and address : -
"Re- evaluating the prevalence and infection with viral hepatitis in rural delta Mntfah "
Under the supervision of Gentlemen : -
A . D / Imam Abdul Latif Waked  Professor of Hepatology
A . D / Iman Ahmad Rouicha Professor and Head of Department of Hepatology
A . Dr. / Ahmed Ahmed El-Shaarawy  professor and head of medical tests
D . / Smirh azat Abul Khair Assistant Professor of Public Health
D . / Mohamed El Sayed Sharifi Fellow , Department of Hepatology
The lifting of the university administration for approval





