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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Ahmed El-Demerdash

Lecturer of Mathematics Education

Faculty of Education - Menoufia University

Currently working as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at Rustaq college of Education - Sultante of Oman

Personal and Contact Data | Scientific Qualification | Work History | Scientific Missions |Training Sessions | Research Projects | Teaching Experiences | Academic Conferences, Symposia, and Seminars | Environmental Services and Social Development Activities | Publications

Personal and Contact Data

Name: Mohamed El-Sayed Ahmed El-Demerdash

Current Job:  Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at Rustaq college of Education - Sultanate of Oman.

Work Address: Educational Studies Department, Block A, Office number 011, Rustaq College of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, P.O. Box 10, P.C. 329, Rustaq, Sultanate of Oman

Work Tel: 00968 26774803

Mobile: 00968 94064530


Scientific Qualification

2010 Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction of Mathematics (Special Education - Mathematically Gifted Students), The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, The University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany.
2004 Master Degree in Curriculum and Instruction of Mathematics (Special Education - Visually Handicapped Students), Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, Egypt.
1996 Special Diploma in Curriculum and Instruction of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, Egypt.
1995 Professional Diploma in Curriculum and Instruction of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, Egypt.
1992 Bachelor of Science and Education in Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, Egypt.

Work History

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at Rustaq college of Education - Sultante of Oman, from Sept. 2019 up till now.

  • Lecturer of Curriculum and Instruction of Mathematics, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Menoufia University from Oct. 2016 up till Sept. 2019.

  • PostDoc Scientific Researcher, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, IREM de Lyon from Feb. 2015 up till Sept. 2016.

  • Lecturer of Curriculum and Instruction of Mathematics, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Menoufia University from January 2011 up till Feb. 2015.

  • Assistant Lecturer of Curriculum and Instruction of Mathematics, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Menoufia University from June 2010 till January 2011.

  • Assistant Researcher, Center of Educational Research in Mathematics and Technology (CERMAT), The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, The University of Education Karlsruhe, Germany from August 2009 till May 2010.

  • Assistant Researcher, The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, The University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany from December 2006 till July 2009.

  • Assistant Lecturer of Curriculum and Instruction of Mathematics, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University from March 2004 till November 2006.

  • Demonstrator of Curriculum and Instruction of Mathematics, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University from October 1999 till March 2004.

  • Mathematics Teacher, Mansoura Experimental Language Schools, El-Dakahlia Governorate, Ministry of Education, from September 1992 till October 1999.

Scientific Missions

  • Postdoctoral Scientific Research Mission, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, Lyon (France), from Feb. 2015 till Sep. 2016.

  • Egyptian Government Scholarship for holding Ph.D.,Germany, from December 2006 till May 2010.

  • UMBC Egyptian Scholar Program Scientific Mission granded by the Egyptian Government in the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA, Spring Semester 1999.

Training Sessions

First: Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP) Training Programs

  1. Time Managment and Work Problems Skills [P3]: 20 hours, from 25-9-2005 to 28-9-2005.

  2. Effective Teaching Skills [T1]: 30 hours, from 18-6-2005 to 23-6-2005.

  3. Thinking Skills [P1]: 24 hours, from 5-10-2004 to 7-10-2004.

  4. Professional Ethics [P4]: 24 hours, from 2-10-2004 to 3-10-2004.

  5. Effective Communication Skills [I2]: 24 hours, from 28-9-2004 to 30-9-2004.

  6. Scientific Research Methodology [T4]: 24 hours, from 25-9-2004 to 27-9-2004.

Second:Faculties of Education Development Projects (FOEP) Training Programs

  1. Student/Teacher Performance Evaluation: 24 hours, from 9-7-2005 to 12-7-2005.

  2. Effective School Administration: 12 hours, from 13-7-2005 to 14-7-2005.

  3. University Teaching: 24 hours, from 8-8-2005 to 11-8-2005.

  4. Scientific Research Methodology in Education: 24 hours, from 22-8-2005 to 25-8-2005.

  5. Effective Learning: 12 hours, from 12-9-2005 to 13-9-2005.

Third: University Teacher Preparation Program, Session (44)

  • Faculty of Education, Mansoura University from 20-10-2001 to 20-11-2001.

Fourth: Training Sessions in Computer

  1. E/ICDL "European/International Computer Driving License" Certified from UNESCO June 2004

  2. Training sessions on the seven curricula related to International Computer Driving License held in the Scientific Calculation Center, Mansoura University and pertinent to Faculties of Education Development projects (FOEP) from 29-2-2004 till 11-5-2004 with a total of 120 hours of training.

  3. UMBC Computer Training Sessions in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, and Internet. These sessions were held in (UMBC) the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA, Spring Semester 1999.

Fifth: Training Sessions in English Language

  1. International TOEFL Test (CBT) with score (525), 2005.

  2. English for Math and Science Teachers Program, Central Training Center in Sharkya, Ministry of Education, from 8-8-1998 till 22-10-1998.

  3. Advanced English language Session (A), 72 hours , The General Service Center, Mansoura University, from 8-8-1998 till 22-10-1998.

Sixth: Training Sessions in German Language

  • The GIII Level in German Language, 400 Training Hours in Zentrum fuer Deutsch, from 1-4-2006 till 26-7-2006.

Research Projects

  • Assistant researcher on a project funded by the Scientific Research Sector, Mansoura University entitled by "Adult Education Programs in the Light of the Contemporary Challenges and the Environmental Requirements of Damietta Governorate - Evaluative Study" 2005-2006.

  • A researcher in the executive team of the Electronic Learning Project held in Damietta faculty of Education and funded by the PUM as one of the FOEP projects. The project title was "Project of Developing Staff and Assistants Members in Damietta Faculty of Education for Integrating E-learning in the Educational Process" 2005-2006.

  • A research member in the project of the Internal Quality System of Damietta Faculty of Education entitled by "Project Unit Management (PUM) and Higher Education Enhancement", 2006.

Teaching Experiences

  • Teaching "Geometry Using Cinderella (DGS)" to Mathematics Students, the University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend - Germany.

  • Teaching the "Methods of Teaching Skills Practical Labs" to third and fourth year students, Department of Mathematics atDamietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

  • Teaching "Activities Labs" to third and fourth year students, Department of Mathematics at Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

  • Teaching the Practical part of "Using Computer in Education" to third and fourth year prospective Kindergarten teachers at Damietta faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

  • Teaching "Mathematics" to the elementary and middle stages at Mansoura Experimental Language Schools, El-Dakahlia Governorate, Ministry of Education.

Academic Conferences, Symposia, and Seminars

Environmental Services and Social Development Activities

  1. Supervising basic education students in the practice field on literacy and adult education.

  2. Participating in a training program for training literacy and adult education recently graduated teachers through lectures and workshops on:

    • Arithmetic teaching methods

    • Arithmetic teaching difficulties and techniques of handling them

    • Adult mathematical thinking elements and applications

    • Cognitive complementarity and learning styles

    • Effective teaching and active learning

    • Complementary lesson planning skills (Arabic + Arithmetic)


  • Sobhy Sharaf and Mohamed El-Demerdash (2017). Emotions Management - Facts and Myths - In Arabic. المؤتمر العلمى السابع الدولى الثالث التربية الوجدانية فى المجتمعات العربية فى ضوء التحديات المعاصرة المنعقد بكلية التربية جامعة المنوفية، مجلد المؤتمر، ص ص 103 - 113.

  • Hanan El-Gamal, Mohamed El-Demerdash and Nashwa El-Barbary (2017). The Role of Academic Emotions in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics - In Arabic مجلة كلية التربية، جامعة المنوفية، عدد خاص بالمؤتمر العلمي السابع الدولي الثالث لكلية التربية - جامعة المنوفية: التربية الوجدانية في المجتمعات العربية في ضوء التحديات المعاصرة، السنة الثانية والثلاثون.