اختر اللغة

From     25/03/2014
To     03/04/2014
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Administration announces Youth Welfare and Sports Festival for talent in Menoufia University students captured the university colleges in the period from 25.03.2014 until 03.04.2014 in the following areas in the cultural field from 25.26 2014 /} hair, Zgel, throwing story {short. 

03/27/2014 scientific innovations {all} 

Technical Area 30.31 / 3/2014} vocals, solo, talent representation {. 

Visual Arts 2.1 / 4/2014} revolutions 30.25 in January, holiday mother, {

Plate size 60 × 40 

Image size 30 × 20 

The religious sphere} sayings of the Prophet, 20.30 modern singing religious {


Center for the first 400 pounds 

Center the second 300 pounds



