اختر اللغة

overview on history

the  College of Home Economics, University of Menoufiya Originated  by Presidential Decree No. (370) for the year 1989

amending some provisions of the Regulations for the Law and universities based on the decision of the Bidder the Councilof 

Universities (15) session No. (209) dated 11/08/1988 where college offers Bachelor's degree the following Specialties:

1-Nutrition and Food Science
2-Clothing and Textile
3-Home Economics and Education
4-Home management and institutions

And duration of study for a four-year Bachelors's study are based on the system semesters

The college Grants  master's and doctoral degrees in the following disciplines:

1-Nutrition and Food Science

2-Clothing and Textile

3-Home Economics and Education

4-Home management and institutions

The study began college in the academic year 1989/1990 the Annex at the Faculty of Agriculture building on the eastern mainland city of Shebin El Koum
In 1991 advanced their proposals College to set up a new building for the Faculty of Home Economics.

Issued a decision Mr Professor Dr. / University President No. (215) dated 12/08/1992 the formation of a committee to study the sites Almguetrahhlanchae College of Home Economics, and choose the most suitable and best.

has been set up special college building next to the General Administration of Medical Affairs  the eastern mainland city of Shebin El Koum.

 And the study began in academic year 2001/2002.
