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Today, Monday, February 21, 2022, the Family Counseling Unit at the Public Service Center of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector organized at the Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, in cooperation with the Training Department of the Directorate of Social Affairs (a symposium entitled “Family Disintegration” causes / solutions)

Today, Monday, February 21, 2022, the Family Counseling Unit at the Public Service Center of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector organized at the Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, in cooperation with the Training Department of the Directorate of Social Affairs (a symposium entitled “Family Disintegration” causes / solutions)

Community Service and Environmental Development Sector


Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University… Community service and environmental development, and under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Sherif Sabry, Dean of the College of Home Economics, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Siham Aziz Khader, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, organized today, Monday, February 21, 2022, the Family Counseling Unit at the Public Service Center of the Community Service and Development Sector. Environment at the Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, in cooperation with the Training Department of the Directorate of Social Affairs (a seminar entitled “Family Disintegration” causes/solutions) presented by Prof. Dr. Jihan Ali El-Sayed Sweid, Director of the Family Counseling Center for Childhood and Adolescence Care, with the distinguished participation of Mrs. Mervat Mahmoud Mahmoud Barsim, Director of the Department of Social Guidance, and Professor / Manal Ahmed Gouda, a social worker, at the headquarters of the Department The training was conducted on the eastern mainland, in the presence of a group of ladies and gentlemen from various educational sectors. The symposium focused on shedding light on the concept of family disintegration, its types and its danger to the individual and society, and the effects that are reflected on the family structure of the Egyptian society, as well as discussing the causes of family disintegration, and how all efforts and all efforts can be combined. Community institutions in order to confront family disintegration and sound psychological and educational methods to overcome the spread of this phenomenon in society. Seminars, courses, initiatives, achievements and creativity of the Family Counseling Center continue under the umbrella of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University.قد تكون صورة لـ ‏‏٢‏ شخصان‏قد تكون صورة لـ ‏‏‏٣‏ أشخاص‏ و‏أشخاص يقفون‏‏لا يتوفر وصف للصورة.قد تكون صورة لـ ‏‏‏‏٥‏ أشخاص‏، ‏‏أشخاص يقفون‏، ‏أشخاص يجلسون‏‏‏ و‏حجاب‏‏قد تكون صورة لـ ‏‏‏‏٦‏ أشخاص‏، ‏‏أشخاص يقفون‏، ‏أشخاص يجلسون‏‏‏ و‏حجاب‏‏





