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Name Job Degree Job Status Department Faculty
HESHAM MOHAMMED khalf Professor faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Assistant Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Assistant Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Assistant Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Assistant Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Assistant Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Assistant Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Teaching Assistant faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Assistant Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
Assistant Lecturer faculty of LAW faculty of LAW
ALSHAIMAA MOHAMMED MOHAMMED Lecturer Islamic law faculty of LAW
A.ALMONIEM AHMED SULTAN Professor Islamic law faculty of LAW
ABDULLA MOHAMMED HELMY Professor Islamic law faculty of LAW
MOHAMMED SAMY mohammed Professor Emeritus Criminal Law faculty of LAW
MOHAMMED mouans moheb Professor Emeritus Criminal Law faculty of LAW
SAMY A.ALKAREEM abd-elkareem Lecturer Criminal Law faculty of LAW
alaa MOHAMMED ALSAWY Lecturer Criminal Law faculty of LAW
Ibrahim Abd EL- Aziz Ismail El-nagar Professor Criminal Law faculty of LAW
Eman Talaat Abdelmaqsoud Aboelkhair Lecturer Criminal Law faculty of LAW
A.ALAZIZ elmorsy azzab Professor Emeritus Civil Law faculty of LAW
AYMAN IBRAHIEM A.ALKHALIQ Professor Civil Law faculty of LAW
FAROQ MOHAMMED MAHMOUD Professor Civil Law faculty of LAW
REDHA MAHMOUD ibrahim elabd Lecturer Civil Law faculty of LAW
MOUSTAFA A.ALHAMEED adwy Professor Emeritus Civil Law faculty of LAW
MOHAMMED ALI elsafoury Professor Emeritus Philosophy of Law and History faculty of LAW
ABBAS MABROUK MOHAMMED Professor Philosophy of Law and History faculty of LAW
THANA A.ALAZIZ elshaarawy Lecturer Philosophy of Law and History faculty of LAW
Sahar Abd Elsatar Emam Ali Professor Procedures Law faculty of LAW
ALSAYED ABD EL AAL TAMAM Professor Procedures Law faculty of LAW
MAHMOUD ALSAYED eltehawy Professor Procedures Law faculty of LAW
NORHAN MAHMOUD elmalah Lecturer Procedures Law faculty of LAW
MOUSTAFA HOUSSNI abou-ismael Economics and Public Finance faculty of LAW
AHMED SALEH AHMED Professor Economics and Public Finance faculty of LAW
HESHAM MOHAMMED KAMAL Professor Commercial Law faculty of LAW
ATEF MOHAMMED RASHID Professor Commercial Law faculty of LAW
IBRAHIEM MOHAMMED ALI Professor Emeritus Public Law faculty of LAW
MANSOUR MOHAMMED mohammed Professor Public Law faculty of LAW
A.ALMONIEM A.ALHAMEED IBRAHIEM Professor Public Law faculty of LAW
SAMY MOHAMMED farg Lecturer Public Law faculty of LAW
ABDULLA HANAFY A.ALAZIZ Professor Public Law faculty of LAW
yara talaat alghazaly Assistant Lecturer Public Law faculty of LAW
abou-elkheer AHMED ATTIA Professor Public International Law faculty of LAW
HUSSAIN HANAFY omar Professor Public International Law faculty of LAW
MOUSTAFA SAYED heussin Professor Emeritus Public International Law faculty of LAW
abd-sameea HASSAN yamam Professor Emeritus Private international law faculty of LAW
NORHAN SAMY AHMED MOUSSA Lecturer Private international law faculty of LAW
Lecturer Private international law faculty of LAW