اختر اللغة

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The college is located in the compound of colleges Shebeen El - Gamal Abdel Nasser next to the College of Arts and University Press and behind the Faculty of Commerce

Has been open a new branch of the Faculty of Law - Menoufia University in Sadat City based on the approval of the Supreme Council of Universities on 27/5/2001 AD has been inserted into the Office of Coordination for the academic year 2001/2002 AD , was the graduation of the first batch of the branch in the academic year 2004/2005 AD

This effect from the academic year 2006/2007 decree of the President of the Republic of the independence of the Faculty of Law in Sadat City as a stand-alone educational entity to complete the University's colleges and educational system diversity for each of the colleges list Shebeen and Garintha in Sadat City .

College site :

E-mail : E-mail:

Telephones College: 2235687 - 2235688 to 227,178 Interior: 420
